
(nextflipdebug5) #1

I recommend Calm Formula #1 for periods of acute stress or the peak stage
of kundalini to reduce the over stimulation of the nervous system with associated
panic and anxiety attacks. However after a period of time, I found it necessary to
adopt the nootropic formula to recover the functional edge of the brain. The Calm
Formula #1 doesn’t make one more intelligent just less anxious, disturbed and
panicky. It probably takes the edge of both the ecstatic highs and the terrific lows. I
only took this formula for one year during the peak to reduce panic attacks.
The main precaution with taking supplements during kundalini is to avoid
taking stimulants during the peak or hyper phase. So until we know more about
the chemistry of the acute phase of kundalini, it might be best to avoid stimulating
nootropics during the 6 month peak. Formula #1 and protective nootropics can be
taken at any time along with the antioxidants and herbs. With this caution in mind
I suggest that the nootropic formula #3 be taken once kundalini hyperactivity is
backing off and you are staring to head into the down cycle. It is also good to not
take the nootropics on your weekend and down time.
If we reduce things that stimulate adrenaline and stress hormone production
like caffeine and sugar we can remain on a more even keel during the peak and
reduce the severity of the burnout during the down cycle. Depending on one’s
prior condition and adaptation capacity, I would say that five years after a “full-
on” awakening you could probably cut back to just a multivitamin-mineral, B-
complex and herbs. I myself am attempting to stop using manmade supplements
and concentrate mainly on superfoods and herbs. I have no negative side effects
from taking these formulas as they are, but I had to eliminate taurine, glycine,
and tyrosine out of my formula cause they made me dozy, stoned and nauseous;
somehow interfering with prefrontal lobe function. I am not sure exactly which
one was the culprit, but getting rid of all of them solved the problem.
It cannot be stressed enough that diet, exercise and integral spiritual practice
is the foundation of our ability to use these times of spiritual acceleration to our
advantage—that is to skillfully ride the wave. Besides supplements I recommend
practices and experiences to boost mood, brain function, interest and involvement.
During an awakening, sensory and motor stimulation is of prime importance, as is
community—we can think of the entire phenomenal world as our pharmacy.
You might want to use readymade herb formulas such as these http://www.tibetanherbs.
com/herbalsupplements.html You can buy most of the supplements from BAC or
WARNING; The enzyme monamine oxidase breaks down certain
neurotransmitters, while MAO inhibitors reduce this oxidation, thereby increasing
the concentration of these substances in the brain. Those who are bipolar, have
epilepsy or depression or are taking antidepressant Monoamine Oxidase (MAO)
inhibitors, or anticonvulsants need to consult their doctor before establishing a
kundalini supplement protocol. If you are taking MAO inhibitors you can cause
a severe drop in blood pressure if you take sedatives, tranquilizers, antihistamines,
narcotics or alcohol. Passionflower and St John’s Wort are MAO inhibitors.

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