
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Five Formulas For Kundalini

  1. calm FormUla:
    This calms and balances the central nervous system without exacerbating the
    kundalini symptoms. Good for reducing the hyperactivation of the sympathetic
    nervous system during the peak and the associated hypertension and insomnia. It
    calms one all day, reduces mental “noise,” without tiring or reducing intelligence.
    Good for ADHD, panic attacks, anxiety and depression as well. Mix powders
    together, rebottle and keep in the fridge. Take ½—1 teaspoon in a glass of water
    on an empty stomach first thing in the morning half an hour before eating. * Take
    1 B Complex along with formula 1.

5 http (L-tryptophan), 20 g; L-Glutamine, 300 g; DL Phenylalanine 100g;
Calcium-Magnesium, 8 oz; Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid Powder, 300g.

These quantities are those bought from
Divide the bottle of Calcium-Magnesium in half between formulas 1&2. If you
are to make the antioxidant formula and the neurotransmitter formula you might
like to buy one bottle of ascorbic acid which is water soluble and one bottle of lipid
soluble (Ascorbyl Palmitate) and divide them so each formula gets a half bottle
of each type of Vitamin C. Note the Palmitate Vitamin C does not dissolve well
in water but still can be taken this way. Rinse the Vitamin C off your teeth after
taking formulas to prevent loss of tooth enamel.

  1. antioXiDant FormUla:
    1/2—1 tsp taken once or twice daily in a shot-glass of water.

L-Glutamine, Ascorbyl Palmitate-Vitamin C, DMAE, L-Carnosine as alanine+histidine,
Calmag, N-Acetyl-cysteine (NAC), Vitamin E Tocotienols.

  • Zinc and selenium tablet are taken in a multimineral form. To this formula add
    a small amount of DHEA if over 40 and on the down cycle after the peak phase. I
    use 1 tsp mixed into the “bulk” of this entire formula.

  1. nootroPic FormUla:
    Definition: Noo=mind, Tropic=affecting. I started using nootropics four years
    after my peak because I still was not getting enough cognitive performance even
    with the basic neurotransmitter formula. With the nootropics I found I can use my
    brain better, my speech is more forthright, I don’t search for words, productivity up.
    Visual acuity has increased also. At first the stimulating effect is more pronounced
    but will lessen over the weeks. I mix my nootropics in with my antioxidant formula
    and take around a teaspoon a day along with a B Complex, Fish oil, Majestic Earth
    Minerals and my herb mixes.

DMAE, Piracetam, Vinpocetine/Glutamine, Huperzine, Inositol, Arginine
Proglutamate, Acetyl L-carnitine and L, Lysine, DMG, NAC, Ribose,

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