
(nextflipdebug5) #1

When you start taking nootropics you might feel a little kick as your brain
starts to power up. This will give you more energy to ride the waves, however if it
is choppy water, you will feel the waves more. Many of us are used to zoning out
and going numb rather than powering up to meet the storm...heck if we blah-out
enough we don’t even realize we are in shark infested storm waters. Thus until you
stabilize with the supplements at a higher order of performance it is best to take
plenty of nature walks and grass lying time for the first few weeks. To learn more
about nootropics go to The Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute website at and follow Ward Dean M.D. and his smart drug books and articles
It appears with nootropics that you need to balance them with increased greens,
fish oil, spirulina and other superfoods...for you can’t wring more water out of a
dried up sponge. Meaning that we have to think of detox, remineralization and
building high integrity of resources and structures before we try and get more juice
and efficiency out of our cognitive machine. When stimulating the nervous system
with aphrodisiacs, nootropics or entheogens we also need to keep up blood sugar
by not spiking it with sudden sugar intakes or high doses of caffeine. To prevent
swings in our blood sugar during heightened chemistry of any kind, we can eat
Sunflower Seeds throughout the day and pop a couple of spirulina tabs every hour.
Sunflower seeds are high in lecithin.

  1. HerBal sUPPort FormUla:

Adaptogens for hormones, liver, free radical protection and increasing energy.
Put powders in 000 capsules and take 3-6 daily. Store the bulk of your formula in
the fridge until capsulated.

Alpha lipoic acid, Ashitaba, Beta carotene-mixed carotenoids, Dong quai, Echinacea,
Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng), Ginger, Ginkgo, Gotu kola, Grape seed extract,
Graviola, Horsetail, Kelp, Licorice, Moringa oleifera leaf, Neem leaf, Nettle leaf,
Olive leaf, Pine bark extract, Raw propolis powder, Rosemary, Rhodiola rosea,
Spirulina, Tumeric, Wild Yam root.

*Alpha lipoic acid and Beta carotene are added to this formula because they are too
unpalatable to be taken in water with formula 2. Also take 2 Tablespoons Ground
Flax seed or flax seed oil, hemp seed and/or fish oil for EFA’s; but these can be
added to your Superfood Smoothie.

  1. cleansinG HerB FormUla:

To assist with the buffering and removal of metabolites without using any
harsh colon-type cleansers. Take 1 tsp per day in a shot glass of water. Or mix into
your herbal support formula along with spirulina, kelp powder and keep in the
fridge until you capsulate them.

Amla powder, Barberry root, Buckthorn bark, Burdock root and seed, Camu camu
powder, Cardamon, Citrus peel powder, Clove, Corn silk, Dandelion root, Devils
claw, Licorice root. Nettle leaf, Plantain leaf, Red Clover, Rosehips, Saw-wort
(Saussurea), Slippery Elm, Triphala, Wild oregano, Yarrow, Yellow dock root, Yucca

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