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alPHa liPoic aciD—Alpha lipoic acid is a completely natural molecule
that exists deep inside every cell of our essential component of the
energy-producing part of a cell. It quickly enters the cell and protects it against
free radicals. Alpha lipoic acid is both water and fat-soluble, and so can fight free
radicals in any part of a cell and even in the space between cells and even protects
the DNA.
The antioxidant alpha lipoic acid helps to block such damage and it may
improve the glucose lowering action of insulin. By improving the regulation of
blood sugar glycation is reduced and our protein structures maintained. Alpha
lipoic acid increases blood flow to the nerves and improves the transmission of
nerve impulses. Many of the difficult symptoms of kundalini can be improved
by the use of Alpha lipoic acid, especially during the acute phase to avoid nerve
damage, fatigue, inflammation, numbness, tingling by supporting nerve growth
and liver function. This powerful antioxidant will help with heart strength,
liver toxicity, boost the immune system preserve brain cells, and help in energy
production. Alpha Lipoic Acid improves nerve blood flow, reduces oxidative
stress, and improves nerve conduction. It significantly lowers blood sugar levels
while increasing glycogen storage in muscles and liver. The brain is especially
susceptible to radical attack and crosslinking due to its high phospholipid content,
high energy metabolism and high oxygen usage. This is likely a huge factor in all
mental dysfunction including ADD, Alzheimers, senility, depression and stress.
For not only are the neurons impaired, their ability to produce neurotransmitters
and convey messages is diminished.
Alpha lipoic acid also regenerates the levels of vitamin C and E, glutathione
and coenzyme Q10. Alpha lipoic is vital for converting glutathione back and forth
from its oxidized to its reduced form. Besides its antioxidant function alpha lipoic
acid is the first coenzyme necessary in the conversion of glucose to ATP, and helps
cells take up sugar and use it for fuel much more efficiently. Since alpha lipoic acid
is found naturally in the mitochondria it can determine the rate of metabolism. A
higher energy level allows the cell to take in more nutrients, remove wastes, and
replace damaged components. Thereby Alpha lipoic counters aging by increasing
energy production, allowing the cell to uptake, detoxify and heal more efficiently.
Plus it also helps prevent against insulin resistance and blood sugar regulation,
which also contributes to its anti-aging effects.
The Acetyl L-carnitine combined with Alpha Lipoic Acid protects both the
membranes and DNA of the mitochondria, and this is extra important during
kundalini. Suggested dose is 200 mg ALA and 500 mg acetyl-L-carnitine.
Considering the breakdown and reconstitution of cells during metamorphosis one
can assume that heavy metals, such as mercury, lead and cadmium, are freed to
roam and create untold oxidative damage; taking alpha-lipoic acid and cysteine
(NAC) will help chelate these metals so they can be removed from the body. Alpha
Lipoic helps to chelate and detoxify mercury, lead and cadmium. Alpha Lipoic acid
in loose powder form is unpalatable, however it is toned down by mixing it into

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