
(nextflipdebug5) #1

l-carnitine—Carnitine appears to build up acetylcholine and possibly
dopamine and may reduce deposits of lipfuscin (AGE’s), that is accumulations
of crosslinked molecules in the cells. It maybe more effective that Piracetam in
cognitive-enhancing and rebuilding the brain. It’s a natural antidepressant and
increases energy and endurance. It acts to increase energy by carrying fat across
the cell membrane and into the mitochondria. Energy is then stored as ATP.
It reduces the metabolites of fats (ketones) in the blood from incomplete fat
metabolism and reduces hyperammonemia. Carnitine is most concentrated in
the heart, sperm, and brain, especially the cerebellum. L-Carnitine maybe equal
to or better as a cognitive enhancer than ALC. Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) has
mitochondrial membrane normalizing effects, while L-Carnitine is usually used for
its cardiovascular, performance-enhancing, and lipid-normalizing benefits. ALC
resensitizes cholinergic, serotonergic, and GABA-ergic neurotransmitter systems,
reduces age-related loss of cortisol receptors normalizing the adaptive homeostat.
Chronic stress impairs the reproductive homeostat (hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian
axis). ALC normalized blood testosterone levels, as well as hypothalamic beta
endorphin (BEP) and gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) concentrations
from the hypothalamus, thereby restoring luteinizing hormone (LH).

l-carnosine—The antioxidant amino acid L-Carnosine is believed to inhibit
the formation of crosslinks between proteins which have been glycated and may
even reverse glycation. The Life Extension Foundation calls carnosine the most
important antiaging compound. Use in conjunction with alpha lipoic acid for
maximum free radical protection during awakening. Taking Carnosine as its
precursors alanine and histidine is much cheaper. During stress histidine is needed
more than any other amino acid.

cHoline—Keeping up a rich supply of the B Vitamin Choline is especially
important during kundalini to maintain the inhibiting side of the nervous system
and the myelin surrounding the nerves. Choline in combination with another B
vitamin Inositol from Lecithin which mostly composes the myelin sheath—the
protective coating for nerves. Choline is found as phosphatidylcholine (or lecithin)
in the phospholipids bilayer of cell membranes. The brain is rich in lecithin,
especially so in geniuses. Choline is a building block for Acetylcholine which is the
parasympathetic nervous systems primary neurotransmitter, and remember that
excessive on-switch activity will tend to burn out the off-switch chemicals as well.
Acetylcholine is a neuromuscular messenger which enables nerves to communicate
with muscle cells therefore facilitating muscle control and tone as well as memory,
long-term planning, mental focus, mood elevation, sexual activity and other
functions. Pantothenic acid, B5 is needed for acetylcholine production.
Lecithin plays an essential role in the body’s fat chemistry; it dissolves cholesterol
and keeps the arteries from clogging. Lecithin is the main component of liver cells
and helps to eliminate fats from the liver. Lecithin is known to purge the cells of
LDL. It is useful for drug detoxification, cell membrane fluidity, viral infections
and smoking withdrawal. It is best taken in its natural form from corn, soybeans,
egg yolks, yeast, wheat germ and whole grains and seeds because according to

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