
(nextflipdebug5) #1

coenZYme Q10—CoEnzyme Q10, a vitamin-like substance that resembles
vitamin E, but may be an even more powerful antioxidant. It activates beta-receptor
cells, which allow the body to recognize the insulin it produces and protects the
brain from free radical damage. It also helps reduce clogged arteries of the heart
and has the ability to counter histamine and is valuable to allergy and asthma
sufferers. Maximize oxygen in the body with coenzyme Q10. Most CoQ10 is
synthesized in the liver, with B6 and selenium being necessary for its production.
It is involved in the synthesis of ATP, so is necessary for the generation of 95% of
the body’s energy. For kundi actives it may be useful for brain protection during
the peak and energy generation during the exhaustion phase. CoQ10 may become
a proxidant in low oxygen hypoxic conditions such as stroke or anaerobic over
exercised muscles. However a new analog of it called idebenone doesn’t have this
proxidant problem. Idebenone raises mood by increasing serotonin levels even
when the diet is low in L-Tryptophan. It also increases levels of nerve growth
factor and protects the myelin sheaths and mitochondria. CoQ10 is found in
spinach, broccoli, wheat germ, rice bran and whole grains, also in fresh sardines,
mackerel, meat, liver and eggs. CoQ10 is a fat-soluble vitamin-like substance; the
therapeutic dose is 100-300 mg/day taken with some fat containing food.

creatine—Creatine is an amino acid made from glycine and arginine in the
kidneys. It increases blood sugar and Growth Hormone. Creatine in the form of
phosphocreatine (creatine phosphate) is an important store of energy in muscle
cells. During intense exercise lasting around half a minute, phosphocreatine is
broken down to creatine and phosphate, and the energy released is used to
regenerate the primary source of energy, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Output
power drops as phosphocreatine becomes depleted, because ATP cannot be
regenerated fast enough to meet the demand of the exercise. It follows that a bigger
store of phosphocreatine in muscle should reduce fatigue during sprinting. Extra
creatine in the muscle may also increase the rate of regeneration of phosphocreatine
following sprints, which should mean less fatigue with repeated bursts of activity
in training or in many sport competitions.

n-acetYl-cYsteine—Of the three amino acids needed to make glutathione—
cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid—cysteine is the most crucial due to its sulfur
molecule. Levels of cysteine will determine how fast we produce glutathione and
how much we make. N-acetyl-cysteine or NAC is a potent antioxidant and immune
stimulant, shown to enhance lung function. It enhances glutathione production
more than taking glutathione itself. Protects the mitochondrial DNA from damage,
and tissue free radical damage from exercise, pollution and UV radiation. Helps
remove mercury and other heavy metal deposits. Barley and yogurt are particularly
high cysteine foods.

l-DePrenYl—or Selegiline, is a MAO-B inhibitor drug that might be
considered for certain kundi-actives suffering depression, but only while under
medical supervision. Taking 2 x 5mg/day irreversibly inhibits over 90% of MAO-
B in the basal ganglia, the location of over 80% of dopamine leading to a 40%-

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