
(nextflipdebug5) #1

The phenomena of the left-brain freeze points to the pivotal conjunction
between the immune system, cardio and nervous system. Nitric oxide is used by
all these systems and its heightened production during metamorphosis leads to
both a cascade of major changes throughout the body and to many of the classic
kundalini symptoms. The fact that nitric oxide is a free radical gas explains why
half of the metamorphic process is about dissolving the old structures, and is one
of the main reasons why normal operation of ego functions is suspended. While
catabolism and cell death is underway we are not our old self.
Initially I thought that the Left-brain Freeze (the “Crab”- Philip St. Roman)
was due to the increase in the Heart’s electromagnetic field, because the heart
expansion is such an overarching, omnipotent affect. But another cause could be
related to initiation of spleen and special immune activity, from the hyper-activation
of the sympathetic nervous system during the acute phase of the awakening. In
which case histamine would factor into the mix. The left-brain numbness and
contraction probably starts at the same time that the spleen contracts releasing its
store of blood. Thus the spleen, bone marrow and the immune system reboot to
change from normal function to metamorphic mode, in order to break down and
dissolve the pupal body. It could be that as long as the spleen is functioning in its
“metamorphic capacity” there maybe some left-brain freeze. (See the Practice List
for methods of dealing with the left-brain freeze.)
If indeed the spleen and macrophages are set into hyperdrive by the oscillating
on/off of the nervous system (rapid flipping between hyper-sympathetic to hyper-
parasympathetic) then the white blood cells would be producing a lot of nitric oxide
(free radicals) and this liberal dosing of vasodilator would keep the hyperactivation
of the nervous system going, coupled with the radically increased heart expansion
and associated amplified heart electromagnetic field. Within the heightened heart
field the entire body would be dissolved and reformed in alignment with the higher
template of the expanded heart. The end result of the effect of sustained heart
expansion over many years results in the dissolving of body armor and traumatic
memory in the brain—thus reducing neurosis, tension and body pain.
During fight flight first the inflammatory response is activated, then when
acute danger is over the immune system is activated. This stimulates the spleen
to contract, releasing much of its blood into circulation, as well as the liberation
of glycogen stores from the liver. It seems all the visceral organs go into a major
contraction at the onset of the acute kundalini phase in preparation for the shift to
the self-dissolution work. Thus blood leaves the spleen, liver and digestive system
and travels to the skeletal muscles to prepare the organism for action in the face
of danger and possible injury. At this point histamine metabolism in the bone
marrow probably sets off the mechanism of using energy stored in the Calcium
bonds in the bones. This provides extra energy for the kundalini conflagration and
produces heat which seems to penetrate “down to the bone.”
The acute phase of kundalini seems to largely consist of both fight-or-flight
response and freeze response. That is the body is in a state of hyper-vigilance (go)
coupled with a freeze (stop) and this burns a lot of energy without any “work”

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