
(nextflipdebug5) #1

during a kundalini awakening and the subsequent utilization of glutamine from
the small intestine could be one of the main reasons for digestive upset during
metamorphosis. This situation is remedied by taking glutamine and its cofactors.
Glutamine protects the brain and body from ammonia toxicity. Excess ammonia
interferes with the oxidative metabolism of neurons and reduces the production
of ATP, the “energy molecule.” In addition, ammonia gives rise to very harmful
nitrogen-based free radicals.

GaBa—GABA is made from the amino acid Glutamic acid (Glutamine or
Glucose). It reduces anxiety, elevates the pain threshold reduces the blood pressure
and heart rate and reduces compulsive behavior. GABA promotes fat loss and
stimulates the production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). GABA can be
taken as a supplement (L-Glutamine), produces a calming effect on people who
struggle with temporal lobe symptoms like temper, irritability, and anxiety.

GlYcine—Glycine and glucose are the two most common amino acids in the
body. Glycine is the simplest amino acid and is the only protein forming amino
acid without a center of chirality, that is it is nonpolar. Because glycine has such a
small side chain it can fit into many places where no other amino acid can. Hence
it is the internal amino acid of a collagen helix, thus collagen is about one-third
glycine. Most proteins however only contain a small quantity of glycine.
Like GABA, Glycine activates Cl- ion conductance resulting in a hyperpolarization
of the neuronal membrane and an antagonism of other depolarizing stimuli. This
membrane hyperpolarization makes glycine the major inhibitory neurotransmitter
in the brainstem and spinal cord, where it participates in a variety of motor and
sensory functions. However in the forebrain it functions in an excitatory way by
promoting the actions of the major excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate at the
NMDA receptors. Other amino acids, including alanine and taurine, also activate
glycine receptors, but with lower potency.
Glycine may increase acetylcholine neurotransmission in the hippocampus, the
memory center of the brain. This factor could be involved in having “ones life
pass before ones eyes” during near death experiences. Increases blood sugar and
Growth Hormone. Vitamin B6, magnesium and dimethylglycine are antiseizure
and have increased speech in autistic children. Found in many foods, glycine is also
synthesized in the human body where, among other functions it helps improve
glycogen storage. It is utilized in the synthesis of hemoglobin, collagen and
glutathione, and facilitates the amelioration of high blood fat and uric acid levels.

HistiDine— The amino acid Histidine is a precursor for histamine and
carnosine. It is needed for growth and for the repair of tissue, as well as the
maintenance of the myelin sheaths. It is also required for the manufacture of both
red and white blood cells, and is also aids in the production of gastric juices. It helps
remove heavy metals from the body and to protect the body from damage caused
by radiation. Schizophrenics have been found to have high levels of histidine, so
they nor those suffering from bipolar (manic) depression should take histidine.
Dairy, meat, poultry and fish are good sources of histidine as well as rice, wheat
and rye.

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