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HYPerZine—Inhibits the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine thereby
preventing the degradation of endogenous acetylcholine, promotes dendrite growth
and seems to protect neurons from cell death caused by toxins. Use in conjunction
with DMAE, choline and Vitamin B 5 for synergy. Hyperzine is found in Chinese
Club Moss.

lecitHin—Lecithin is the main natural source of choline in the diet and the
most bio-available way to get supplemental choline! One tablespoon of lecithin
granules provides about 50% of the RDA for choline. Lecithin is a union of fat,
nitrogen, and phosphorus, and is classified as a phospholipid and is found in nearly
every living cell. Phosphatidylcholine builds nerve cells and neurotransmitters. In
fact 17 percent of the brain is lecithin, so lecithin is a brain food. It relaxes the
nerves due to improving their protective covering, reduces stress and it hydrates
the skin from the inside. The heart muscle has one of the highest concentrations of
any muscle. Lecithin also insures increased use of vitamins A, D, and E, and helps
the body utilize calcium. Lecithin can be found in a variety of foods including
egg yolks, milk, meats, fish, nuts, wheatgerm and legumes. Seeds such as barley
seeds, corn seeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are also good
sources, especially the germ. Grains, fruits and vegetables are much poorer sources.
The primary commercial source of lecithin comes from the soybean, and GM free
lecithin is hard to get these days due to genetic drift. Some sellers are aiming for
nonGM, such as NOW brand, which produces a nonGM Lecithin. You can also
use Soy Free Sunflower Lecithin to avoid GM soy, or just eat more sunflower seeds
and sprouts. Sunflower seeds head the list of all vegetable concentrates, about as
close to the ideal nutriment as can be obtained from a single source. They are 25
% protein and are rated in the same class with meat. Sunflower seed meal proved
superior to wheat germ in experiments with animals.

maGnesiUm—Magnesium supplementation during kundalini awakenings is
imperative due to the long periods of HPA-axis hyperactivation and increased
lipolysis. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is
essential to good health. Approximately 50% of total body magnesium is found
in bone. The other half is found predominantly inside cells of body tissues and
organs, while only 1% of magnesium is found in blood. The mineral magnesium
(Mg) is used in building bones, manufacturing proteins, releasing energy from
muscle storage, and regulating body temperature. Calcium (Ca) causes muscles to
contract, while magnesium helps them relax.
Stress, both physical and emotional, evokes the release of the stress hormones:
catecholamines and corticosteroids. These stress hormones can induce magnesium
loss, and high ratios of Ca/Mg stimulate of their secretion, constituting a self-
reinforcing loop. The result being that Mg deficiency and catecholamines each cause
tissue Ca overload; hence the need to eat chlorophyll rich plants during kundalini.
Adrenergic stimulation of lipolysis can intensify Mg deficiency by complexing Mg
with the liberated fatty acids (FA). Short and long-term fasting has caused Mg loss
for this reason. Kundalini also, because of the increased stress hormones, lipolysis
and autolysis of tissues will increase the demand for Magnesium.

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