
(nextflipdebug5) #1

QUercitin—Quercetin is powerful flavonoid found in red and yellow
onions and is a powerful natural anti-oxidant and anti-histamine. Studies show
that quercetin is anti-cancer, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-
bacterial. It also helps to thin blood, reduce blood clots and processes that lead to
artery-clogging. Red wine, apples, broccoli and tea are also rich in quercetin.

D-riBose—D-ribose is a sweet, solid, water-soluble substance that is an actual
building block of ATP. D-ribose is a naturally occurring five-carbon sugar found in
all living cells. It is not an essential nutrient, since it can be made in the body from
other substances, such as glucose. Some of the most important biological molecules
contain D-ribose, including ATP (adenosine triphosphate), all the nucleotides and
nucleotide coenzymes and all forms of RNA (ribonucleic acid). D-ribose in RNA
and D-deoxyribose in DNA may be considered genetic sugars. Since D-ribose is
found in all living matter, it is ingested in our diets. Such nutritional substances
as brewers yeast are rich in RNA and are thus rich sources of D-ribose. Research
suggests that supraphysiological amounts of this sugar may have cardioprotective
effects, thus might be useful for heart expansion periods. Supplemental D-ribose is
produced from the fermentation of corn syrup.

same—S-adenosylmethionine is found in all cells and is formed in the body by
combining the essential amino acid methionine with ATP. SAMe is involved in
the synthesis and protection of DNA, RNA, and protein, maintains mitochondrial
function, restores membrane fluidity and facilitates the binding of hormones to
cell receptors. SAMe forms glutathione which protects and regenerates liver and
cartilage, protects neurons from hypoxia, is involved in remyelination of neurons
and protects cardiovascular system from homocysteine and free radicals. Aging
reduces SAMe levels. Due to the reduced sensitivity of prolactin receptors, prolactin
levels are known to rise with age, consequently lowering levels of growth hormone
and testosterone causing impotence. Long-term supplementation with SAMe
repairs cell membrane fluidity and enhances the sensitivity of prolactin receptors,
as well as GABA and beta-receptors and probably serotonin and dopamine
receptors as well. When there is inadequate estrogen negative feedback via the
pituitary gland, elevated prolactin can in turn contribute to elevated estrogen levels
(estrogen dominance). B12 (methylchobalamin) increases SAMe, thereby reducing
depression and inflammation.

seleniUm—Selenium maintains the elasticity of the tissues and increases
antibodies. It is used in the body’s antioxidant enzyme Glutathione peroxidase
which breaks down rancid fats without releasing free radicals, which literally
means that it prevents fats from going rancid (this can be seen on your skin as “age
spots” or “liver spots” Seizures may result from glutathione peroxidase deficiency,
which could be due to the lack of bioavailable selenium. Selenium is involved
in the conversion of thyroid hormones T4 to T3, hence deficiency of selenium
can lead to either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, depression and wasting
of tissue. If selenium is deficient the thyroid gland becomes damaged, causing
heart palpitations and rapid heart beat, which is common in thyroid disease. The

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