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huge demand for glutathione during kundalini could lead to a selenium deficiency,
exaggerating the exhaustion phase and leaving the body open to pathogenic attack.
Selenium detoxifies mercury especially in conjunction with vitamin E; it also
works synergistically with Vitamin E to increase Glutathione activity. Selenium
enhances lymphocyte proliferation; as selenium and Vitamin E are needed to make
glutathione peroxidase. Selenium binds with and protects against cadmium, lead,
mercury, and arsenic. Selenium is essential for the production of testosterone.
Supplement around 200mcg per day. Selenium is best absorbed in its chelated
forms selenomethionine, selenoglutathione, selenocsyteine; or SelenoExcel made
from Baker’s Yeast is the preferred form. Selenium is found in largest concentrations
in Brazil nuts, whole grains, onions, garlic, brewers yeast, broccoli, seafood and

taUrine—The amino acid Taurine comprises of more than 50% of the free
amino acids in the heart. Taurine differs from other amino acids in that it doesn’t
become incorporated into proteins. It exists as a free amino acid and is one of the
most abundant amino acids in muscle, blood platelets, and the developing nervous
system. Taurine promotes the pumping action of the heart. Evidently taurine
serves as a neurotransmitter, a regulator of salt and water balance and a stabilizer
of cell membranes, a detoxifier, and regulates cell membrane excitability. Taurine
is involved in calcium metabolism in the heart and may affect the entry of calcium
into the heart muscle cells where it is essential to the generation and transmission
of nerve impulses. It can also prevent heart beat irregularities caused by adrenalin.
Taurine in combination with other cardio-protective nutrients maybe good to take
during the heart expansion period of the peak: coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine and
It protects and stabilizes the brains fragile tissues and is the second most plentiful
amino acid in the brain after glutamic acid. Taurine facilitates Na, P, Ca and Mg in
and out of cells, and electrically stabilizes cell membranes. Taurine is a component
of bile and fat digestion, it plays a role in cellular defense against light damage to
the eye and may prevent epileptic seizures in some cases. Under the stressful and
hyper-activation conditions of kundalini taurine supplementation will help with
the seizure-like hypertension and heart inflation. Taurine supplementation during
kundalini maybe an advisable precaution especially for vegetarians. Cysteine
(NAC) and B6 increases taurine levels, whereas taking taurine directly may irritate
the gut. Zinc enhances taurine’s effect. Since stress can deplete the body of zinc
and B6 it may also lower taurine levels. Through its role in calcium metabolism
in the brain, it plays a major part in the release of neurotransmitters. Taurine
may inhibit the release of excitatory neurotransmitter such as norepinephrine
and acetylcholine and suppress adrenaline release. Thus is a safe tranquilizer. As
inhibitory neurotransmitters taurine appears metabolically and structurally similar
to GABA and glycine.

trYPtoPHan (5-HtP)—The neurotransmitter serotonin is made from
the amino acid Tryptophan. Serotonin neural circuits help counterbalance the
tendency of brain dopamine and noradrenaline circuits to encourage over-arousal.

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