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body naturally produces Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) from Linoleic Acid (LA)
through by the enzyme Delta-6-Desaturase (D6D), which biochemically converts
Linoleic Acid into GLA. GLA is further converted via a sequence of biochemical
steps into a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin 1 (PG1), which is a key
molecule for maintaining healthy skin. PG1 exhibits a potent anti-inflammatory
effect on the skin and also is very effective in regulating water loss and protecting
the skin from injury and damage. Disease, aging, menopause, saturated and
hydrogenated fats, lack of vitamins B and C and minerals like magnesium and zinc
can interfere with the conversion to prostaglandin E1 (PG1). The D6D enzyme
is impaired in people with skin disorders such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis
and they show increased levels of Linoleic Acid with lower levels of GLA. Used as
a supplement or even applied topically borage oil can circumvent slow or impaired
D6D enzyme activity by supplying the body directly with GLA, thus allowing
the production of normal levels of PG1. GLA has shown to decrease allergic and
inflammatory conditions by competing with arachidonic acid, which when left
unchecked may perpetuate a hyperimmune response. Borage oil has been shown
to be very effective in treating the redness, inflammation, moisture loss and aging
of the skin.

BUcKWHeat—Buckwheat is another of those seeds commonly considered to
be a grain, but it is a fruit not a true cereal. It that is in the same plant family as
rhubarb and is a close relative to the docks and sorrels. Buckwheat is gluten free,
so it can be used in food products developed for people that are allergic to gluten.
Buckwheat bran is 4% to 6% rutin, a flavonoid known to reduce cholesterol, lower
blood pressure, and strengthen diseased weakened capillaries. The human body
can assimilate 74% of the available protein in buckwheat. It is the best known
source of high quality, easily digestible protein in the entire plant kingdom. It
even has more protein than soybeans and is high in the essential amino acids lysine
and arginine, in which major cereal crops are deficient. Buckwheat is higher in
iron than cereal grains. It contains substantial amounts of lysine, an amino acid
commonly lacking in the true cereal grains; calcium, vitamin E, the entire B vitamin
complex, and is especially noted for its high laetrile (vitamin B17) content. As
well, it provides a good source of dietary fiber and the buckwheat greens contain
plentiful mucopolysaccharides. The goop from buckwheat sprouting makes great
skin and hair emollient.

BUrDocK—Burdock seed is good source of nutrients such as iron, to help build
the body. It is also good for skin sores and is antibacterial and antifungal. Hormonal
balancing. a strong liver purifier with particular value for skin, arthritic, and
glandular problems. It is a specific in all blood cleansing and detoxification problems
as an aid in neutralizing and eliminating toxins from the body; in the support
treatment of liver problems, gallstones, flu, and to support the kidneys in filtering
acids from the blood stream; to purify the blood, to treat gout and ulcers, arthritis,
rheumatism, and help with skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis. The root
is said to be an effective aphrodisiac, useful in treating impotence and sterility.

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