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Burdock is also considered a diuretic, mild laxative and aids in the elimination
of uric acid. By improving the function of many organs of elimination (i.e. liver,
kidneys, bowels), many health conditions maybe improved.

cat’s claW—The vine bark of Cat’s claw is an immune stimulant, anti-
inflammatory, cellular protector, anticancerous. Bowel cleanser and anti-
inflammatory for bowel problems, reduces pain, tonic, anti-depressant, antioxidant,
anticoagulant, might thin blood.

caYenne—Cayenne is perhaps the most useful and valuable herb, not only for
the entire digestive system, but also for the heart and circulatory system. Cayenne
is the greatest blood circulation stimulant known. It reduces blood cholesterol,
triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation - making them less “sticky.” A combo
of cayenne and hawthorn berries is used to strengthen the heart and prevent heart
attacks. Cayenne may help weight loss by boosting metabolism while suppressing
appetite; it boosts energy as well as lower stress-related fatigue and depression. It
aids elimination and assimilation, and helps the body to create hydrochloric acid,
alleviates dyspepsia, stomachaches, cramping pains, gas, chronic pain, sore throats,
headaches and toothache.
It is a very high source of Vitamins A and C, has the complete B complex, and
is very rich in organic calcium and potassium. Other constituents of cayenne are
vitamins E and carotenoids. You can add cayenne to most of your herb formulas
prior to capsulating, use it as an ingredient in cooking, or add a pinch to your fresh
juices. People sometimes fast using the “The Master Cleanser” (lemon juice, maple
syrup, cayenne and water), but I don’t handle the sugar in this very well.
Capsaicin cream is a potent topical nerve and muscle pain-relieving treatment,
used for psoriasis, skin ulcers, insect bites, itchy skin, rheumatic pains and arthritis,
pimples and inflammatory skin conditions. The capsaicin in chili peppers accelerates
healing by promoting the growth of the fibroblast cells of the connective tissue. You
can make your own cayenne cream by mixing 1⁄2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper into
1 oz of lotion or balm. This heat rub is useful for jaw and neck pain, strained ankles
and such. It will help energy move through any area that seems blocked, congested
or cramped. It stings and reddens the skin for half an hour so keep well away from
the eyes. Whether taking internally or applying externally do an initial “little” test
to check your tolerance level and the potency and dose of the cayenne.

cinnamon—Cinnamon Extract is known for restoring insulin sensitivity.
It normalizes levels of blood glucose, insulin, and lipids; and helps to reduce
the formation of AGEs. Loss of insulin receptor sensitivity and impaired glucose
metabolism results in high levels of blood sugar and accelerates oxidation and
cross-linking of the tissues.

corDYcePs—Cordyceps sinensis is a mushroom shown to improve cellular
energy production, enhance oxygen utilization in the body. It increases blood
circulation, making oxygen and nutrients more rapidly available to all parts of
the body. It stimulates the immune system and enhances the natural antioxidant
systems of the body.

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