
(nextflipdebug5) #1

DeVils claW—Pain, headaches, fever, sedative. Digestion, increases stomach
acid, anti-inflammatory, lymphatic stimulant, improves liver function and that of
gall bladder, bladder and kidneys, regulates fatty acids in the blood.

DonG QUai—Blood tonic, will help with heart palpitations and ringing in the
ears, increases the effect of sex hormones, reduces hot flushes. Dong quai dilates
blood vessels, facilitating the heart’s pumping ability and possibly lowering blood
pressure as a result. Stimulates the central nervous system and increases blood
flow throughout the body. Nourishes body fluids, counters fatigue, and lowers
blood pressure. As a rich source of vitamin B12, dong quai may play a role in
stimulating red blood cell production. It may therefore indirectly boost energy
and lessen fatigue by increasing the number of red blood cells transporting oxygen
throughout the body.

ecHinacea—Echinacea inhibits the hyaluronidase enzyme that breaks down
the hyaluronic acid in skin and connective tissue, thus preserving collagen. It
also stimulates fibroblasts to produce more hyaluronic acid and to repair tissue.
This helps strengthen the body’s first line of defense against infection and lowers
its permeability to pathogens. Since the body is undergoing massive connective
tissue changes during metamorphosis taking Echinacea at this time would reduce
infection potential when the body is in a vulnerable condition, and will help the
emerging spiritualized body to have greater strength and integrity. (Echinacea,
Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D.)

FeVerFeW—Feverfew might be a useful herb to reduce the hyperactivity of the
CNS during kundalini. Long term users often report beneficial side effects such as
relief from depression, nausea and arthritic pain due to inflammation. Part of the
herb’s action appears to be via an inhibition of secretion of the granular contents
from platelets and neutrophils in the blood. The migraine-relieving activity of
feverfew is believed to be due to parthenolide, an active compound that helps
relieve smooth muscle spasms, thus it helps prevent the constriction of blood
vessels in the brain (one of the leading causes of migraine headaches. Feverfew helps
inhibit prostaglandins and histamine released during the inflammatory process, so
preventing spasms of the blood vessels in the head that trigger migraine attacks.
It has been shown to inhibit serotonin release from platelets. Platelets release the
hormone serotonin during a migraine attack and serotonin constricts blood vessels.
Although headaches and inflammation are not normally involved in the kundalini
complex, research needs to be undertaken using feverfew as a moderator for
excessive prostaglandin production that might occur during kundalini due to the
increase in free radicals. Free radicals are generated in the course of prostaglandin
synthesis and inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis are free radical scavengers.

FiGs—Although figs are 50% sugar, because of their high fiber content, they
still have a low glycemic index (<40) similar to cherries and apples. Figs have
higher fiber than any other dried or fresh fruit. The fiber in figs is both soluble
and insoluble. Five figs, fresh or dried, give you a whopping nine grams of fiber,
more than a third of the recommended dietary allowance. Soluble fiber can reduce

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