
(nextflipdebug5) #1

GinsenG—Adaptogen, regulates blood sugar, balance, reduces fatigue, increases
energy, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, for shock, anti-psychotic, anti-convulsant,
fever reducing, endurance, strengthens spleen and stomach, improves oxygen
uptake, improved cardiovascular performance, restores equilibrium to adrenals,
hormones, blood sugar, blood pressure and immunity, increases DNA/RNA
synthesis in the liver. Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is milder and
cheaper and might be better for the awakenings themselves, then a shift maybe
made to the stronger versions for post-awakening recovery. Ginseng increases
Nerve Growth Factor, which stimulates the growth of new oligodendrocytes and

GinGer—Powdered ginger is a good addition to any kundalini herb mix as
it increases circulation and the effectiveness of the other herbs. It is an anti-
inflammatory, helps neutralize stomach acids, enhance the secretion of digestive
juices and tone the muscles of the digestive tract. Thus will also aid the digestive
system, which is very often in distress during the first few years of kundalini.
Ginger will also give relief from dizziness, vertigo, heart palpitations and the sense
of gravity warping from the heart expansions.

GinKGo—Excellent free radical protection, improves transmission rate of nerve
cells, increases serotonin reception sites, improves circulation, mental and sexual
function, inhibits cortisol synthesis thus anti-stress. Nerve and vascular protector
and restores receptor sensitivity, including the serotonin receptor and acetylcholine
(Muscarinic) receptors. Ginkgo maintains the strength of blood vessels by helping
deliver glucose to the cells, which ensures that the blood vessels have the energy
they require. It also scavengers free radicals, which can damage the cells and tissues;
neutralizes dangerous substances in the blood; and works to open constricted blood
vessels. It heals and protects and opens blood vessels leading to increased oxygen
supply and nutrition to the cells. It relaxes the arteries and veins in times of spasm,
and it stimulates them in times of paralysis. Used in combination with Vitamins A
and E and selenium Ginkgo inhibits cell damage from sunlight, by cleaning up free
radicals, through strengthening the capillaries and reducing inflammation. Aging
occurs when tissues are starved of nutrients and oxygen, which happens when
the blood vessels are constricted. Gingko biloba contains factors that stimulate
Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotropic Factor in astrocytes. Gingko increases protein
synthesis in the brain and restores cell membrane fluidity. It is effective against
the slowing of the metabolism, thickening of the blood, damage to blood vessels,
decreased brain activity, oxygen deprived tissues. Ginkgo improves irrigation of
tissues, aids lymphatic system, and prevents edema. The bioflavonoids in Ginkgo
improve the absorption of vitamin C and since it improves the delivery system all
cells receive better nutrition, cleansing and oxygen. Ginkgo promotes the work
of the adrenal glands by helping cell receptors absorb adrenal hormones. Ginkgo
increases both the number and sensitivity of epinephrine and norepinephrine
(Alpha2 adrenoreceptors) receptors; resulting in increased negative feedback
inhibition of noradrenaline release and decreased excess noradrenaline. The fatty

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