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acid Arachidonic acid, is one of the lipids that forms cell membranes. If this
fatty acid is attacked by free radicals, new chemical compounds result, including
leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and thromboxanes, which promote inflammation
that can damage and age healthy cells. Ginkgo stops the cascade of arachidonic
acid derivatives without causing harmful side effects.

Goat’s rUe—(Galega officinalis) French Lilac is used in insulin-sensitizing,
capable primarily of lowering blood sugar and insulin and aiding diabetes, restores
cortisol receptor sensitivity, optimizes lipid profile, lowers body fat, maintains
levels of growth hormone, stimulates immunity, extends lifespan, retards AGEs
and crosslinking. Goat’s rue is one of the most potent herbs known to increase
breast milk and stimulate the development of mammary tissue

GolDenseal—Goldenseal too has a long traditional use in North America
as an immune system stimulant, and antibiotic for people suffering from seasonal
illness, chronic and life-threatening infections. Science suggests that this herb also
stimulates macrophage production, and one of its constituents berberine is directly
antibiotic to protozoans and pathogenic anaerobes.

GotU Kola—In India it is known as the most spiritual of all herbs and is said
to develop the crown chakra. Anti-spasmodic, nervine, for fatigue and depression,
calms and clarifies the mind, tonic, improves circulation and nerve health, balances
brain hemispheres, improves memory and intelligence. Daniel Mowrey in “Herbal
Tonic Therapies,” says that this improvement in learning and memory correlated
with a decrease in the brain neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin and
dopamine. Stimulates repair of skin, hair nails and connective tissue, promotes
collagen and bone density. Aids liver function and purifies blood. Calamus is often
used with Gotu kola to improve metal focus.

GraPeseeD eXtract—A nontoxic antiseptic and antibacterial immune
system aid will help clear up pathogens so the immune system can concentrate on
transmutation. It is ten times more effective than Chlorine Bleach, Silver Oxide
and Iodine. Internally it can be used for digestive upset, gastrointestinal disorders,
diarrhea, food poisoning, parasites candida yeast infections, oral infections, colds
and flu, sore throats, strep throat, mouthwash, sinusitis and more! Externally
grapefruit seed extract works well for acne, nail fungus, athletes foot, cold sores,
warts, cuts, scrapes, wounds and infections, rashes, head lice, dandruff, chickenpox
etc... Powdered extract can be bought from and in
liquid form from

GraViola—One of the best herbs to take during kundalini activation might be
the leaves of graviola or soursop. Its antimutagenic, anticancerous properties guard
against free radical damage. The increased free radical load of metamorphosis can
increase the danger of getting cancer, especially of the digestive system, because
it gets so disrupted. Graviola also has strong antipathogenic properties which
support the immune system by reducing parasites and fungi. It is a nervine,
antispasmodic, anticonvulsant and antidepressant as well. Use with probiotics and
digestive enzymes if taking graviola in therapeutic dose for more that 30 days, as its

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