
(nextflipdebug5) #1

more saturated due to the increased biophotons generated in the brain. Because
transcendental vision is very much like being on the drug Ecstasy, which is a
dopamine drug, I suspect that it is phenylethylamine and dopamine that gives
us the radical shift in vision as though every atom were scintillating and super- the eyes of love. Whatever the neurotransmitter mix one can assume that
increased energy passing through the optic center in the brain leads to scintillating
transcendental vision. Kundalini as a general rule is not hallucinogenic, although
there is a high level of opiates being produced. Entheogens (Theo=god or spirit,
Gen=creation) are substances which generate god or spirit within producing states
of shamanic ecstatic possession and transcendent and beatific states of communion
with deity. Endogenous entheogens that the body produces are probably the agents
for visions and deep spiritual experiences. The visual experiences involved are more
dream-like than the extreme psychedelia inspired by drugs.
The increase in psi and telepathy is harder to explain but is probably
something equally as simple such as nonlocal primary perception or the increased
superconduction of consciousness. The EMF of the human body is greatly magnified
during kundalini and the brain might be able to pick up the “radio signal” of a
significant other. The other alternative is that consciousness doesn’t “travel” in any
kind of wave, but that it is a “nonlocal” phenomena; but I think we need new physics
to explain that one; especially as it relates to precognition. Psychic and bioenergetic
phenomena doesn’t particularly “mean” anything other than the meaning we give
it. Psi, subtle and causal effects are simply a revelation or confirmation of the way
the universe is put together. However because it is extrasensory and transcends the
mind we tend to think that it is more important than the consensus reality that is
based on the cognitive interpretation of information from the five senses.
Because material flatland is so painful in its superficiality, lack of meaning
and dire lack of connection, we are beset with a deep intrinsic need, desire and
passion for spiritual experience. Just because something is beyond the five senses
we often think it has greater holy significance and we tend to be drawn hither
and tither by our spiritual ambition to “get more God.” Remember only 1%
of our consciousness is conscious....that means there is a lot going on we never
know about. The larger mind likes to remind us of its presence and so it feeds us
precognitive and psychic tidbits, synchronicity and psi information in dreams.
Such Siddhas don’t really mean much other than their being an intrinsic examply
of kundalini energy and a reminder of the nonlocal and unusual properties of
consciousness itself. Like my ability to turn my stereo/radio/CD player on at 3 am
in the morning during particularly rarified holy energy states of kundalini sleep. It
happened twice recently...but mostly in 2000, perhaps 10 times altogether. I think
it only happens in summer when bio-energy is higher, so there is no miscalculation
with daylight saving time. As metamorphosis proceeds the ultimate outcome
of kundalini awakenings is a reduction in background fear, body armor and
emotional volatility. The various symptoms are slightly different for each person,
but they don’t “mean” anything in themselves, other than as signs that the bodymind
is transforming and fuller powers are being realized.

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