
(nextflipdebug5) #1

rHoDiola rosa—Rhodiola rosa is an “anti-stress” adaptogen that increases
the body’s resistance to any kind of stress by regulating hormonal response and
lowering cortisol. Enhances the uptake of serotonin precursors into the brain.
Improves endurance, helps maintain energy levels, strengthens memory...and
helps maintain high levels of creatine phosphate in the mitochondria, lowers blood
viscosity, increases oxygen saturation, increases energy and endurance, maintains
optimum serotonin and dopamine levels, anti-depressant, improves memory,
detoxifies liver. Used to revive libido, sexual function and to normalize the prostrate.
Our modern stress load and PTSD can permanently raise cortisol levles and weaken
the immune system. Rhodiola Rosa root powder can significantly rectify this.

relora—Relora is a new, non-sedative herbal stress relief formula derived
from Magnolia officinalis and Phellodenron amurense extracts. It blocks cortisol,
improves mood, reduces nervous tension and is non-habit forming.

rice Bran—Rice bran is gluten free and “fills the gaps” of many essential
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants missing in todays modern diet. Rice bran
contains Vitamin E Tocotrienols, Vitamin B Complex, Lipoic Acid, Essential
Fatty Acids, Essential Amino Acids. The Gamma Oryzanol found in rice bran has
a positive effect on blood lipids and metabolism; it is a natural replacement for
anabolic steroids that helps build muscle. Also found in rice bran is CoEnzyme
Q10 and phytosterols, 12%-13% oil, various antioxidants, and ferulic acid.
Ferulic acid enhances the activity of antioxidant enzymes, making it an important
anti-aging supplement. Rice bran also contains a high level of dietary fibers (beta-
glucan, pectin, and gum). Rice Bran (which includes the germ) accounts for 60%
of the nutrients found in each rice kernel. Mix rice bran with wheatgerm 50:50
and keep in a jar in the fridge as a sprinkle for everything—the combo is very
tastier than either alone.

rosemarY—Antioxidant, boosts glutathione levels, nervine, memory, anti-
inflammatory. Pure rosemary essential oil is good to rub into areas of congestion,
numbness and nerve pain. During awakening rub into neck and spine to help
protect tissue from free radicals and restore feeling and flow.

scHiZanDra Berries—Adaptogenic tonic, protects liver from free radicals,
promotes normal liver function, regulates cardiovascular system, improves
insomnia, dizziness, palpitations and headaches, improves memory.

st. JoHn’s Wort—St. John’s wort is effective against depression, and has
fewer side effects than drugs. Hypericin (a glycoside) is thought to be the main
active constituent responsible for Hypericum’s success in treating depression.
Hypericin has been demonstrated to increase theta waves in the brain. Theta waves
normally occur during sleep and have been associated with deep meditation, serene
pleasure and heightened creativity. In Germany nearly half of depression, anxiety,
and sleep disorders are treated St. John’s wort. It’s a mild MAO inhibitor which
preserves serotonin levels and inhibits cortisol release. It may improve perception
and clarify thinking processes and is effective against alcoholism, premenstrual

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