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syndrome, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), lessens anxiety, improves memory,
reduces pain and inflammation, promotes healing and strengthens the neurology
of the spine. Since St. John’s wort has antiviral properties, we can speculate that
this antiviral mechanism—by affording protection from DNA damage—may
contribute to the plant’s antidepressant action. Besides being antibacterial and
antitumor, St. John’s wort is also anti Bird Flu! Scientists from China found
that St. John’s wort extracts, with high hypericin content, can kill Bird Flu virus
(H5N1, H9N2) effectively, and the final killing rate could reach 100%. It can also
inhibit some retroviral virus, so St. John’s wort may kill or inhibit the growth of
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Make a massage oil for kundalini pains
with St. Johns Wort and Rosemary in olive oil.

sUma—Another adaptogen known as Brazilian ginseng, for energy, cellular
oxygenator, immunity, fortifies hormones and regulates blood sugar. Anabolic,
analgesic, anticancerous, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, aphrodisiac,
estrogenic, nutritive, sedative, steroidal, tonic, enhances memory. Used for fatigue,
anemia, diabetes and digestive disorders, muscle-building and endurance.

tUlsi—(The incomparable one) Indian Holy Basil leaves are regarded as an
‘adaptogen’ or anti-stress agent, blood sugar regulator, antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory. The leaves strengthen the stomach, are used for fevers and induce
copious perspiration. It is used for headaches, as a nerve tonic, to sharpen memory,
for colds, promotes the removal of the catarrhal matter and phlegm from the
bronchial tube.

tUrmeric—Spices and herbs contain phenolic substances which have potent
antioxidant and chemopreventive properties. In particular, curcumin, a powerful
antioxidant derived from the curry spice turmeric, is a strong inducer of the
heat shock response. The extra heat shock proteins will help protect the protein
structures from oxidative damage. Turmeric might be the best inflammation-
fighting compound to take during an awakening. It will aid digestion and prevent
cancer also.

WilD Yam—Wild yam is used for hormonal support, spinal irritation, spleen,
digestion, blood cleansing, is anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic. Wild yam roots
do not contain and are not converted into progesterone or DHEA in the body. It is
a pharmaceutical process that generates steroidal compounds from wild yam.

Valerian—Valerian Root is one of the best nerve tonics. It reduces stress,
muscle tension and hypertension while improving coordination, concentration
and quality of sleep. Cardiovascular tonic herbs such as ginseng, valerian root,
hawthorn berry and motherwort are advised during kundalini to stabilize and
strengthen heart action and improve circulation.

WHeatGrass JUice—Wheatgrass is 70% chlorophyll, One ounce of
wheatgrass juice has the vitamin and mineral equivalent of 2.2 pounds of fresh
vegetables; although therapeutic doses can be up to 4 ounces. It contains most of
the vitamins and minerals needed for human maintenance including 17 amino

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