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acids, is full of essential fatty acids. Wheatgrass retains 92 of the 102 minerals
found in the soil, including calcium, phosphorus, iron magnesium and potassium.
Wheatgrass has more vitamin C than oranges and twice the vitamin A as carrots.
It is exceptionally rich in vitamins E, K, and B-complex; is high vitamin K. Many
of the benefits of wheatgrass juice stem from the fact that it is a living food, about
30 “live” enzymes that help to dissolve tumors. Wheatgrass alkalinizes the blood,
cures anemia and blood sugar problems, protects RNA and DNA from mutation
and combats free radicals. Wheatgrass helps depression, purifies the liver, disinfects,
cleanses and improves digestion, immunizes against many dietary carcinogens,
counteracts acids and removes toxic metals from the cells, nourishes the liver
and kidneys and restores vitality. It also contains Laetrile (B17), the oxygenating
properties of which fights cancer. To be effective wheatgrass juice has to be drunk
immediately after juicing. Since it provides maximum nutrition for detoxification
and rebuilding you might consider growing wheatgrass. 4 oz per day is around 1
tray, so you need to have 7 trays circulating. Nothing heals faster with less expense
than wheatgrass.

WolFBerrY—Lycium fruit, otherwise known as Goji berry are a chi tonic,
anti-aging, 48% increase in SOD, 12% increase in hemoglobin, 500 times more
Vitamin C than oranges, highest antioxidant status, 21 trace minerals and 8 essential
amino acids, increases white blood cell count, strengthens bones, stimulates tissue
development, improves vision, nourishes liver, lowers blood pressure, reduces blood
sugar, inhibits gene mutation, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant. Inexpensive
purchase at:

YerBa mate—For use during an extended down-cycle as a stimulant and nervine
to increase mental performance. Good for nerve pain, fatigue and depression as an
overall tonic and digestive aid. Because of its caffeine content its best not to use
it much during the influx, shock or Die-off stages however. That is “when going
down” fall well, don’t try and prop yourself up artificially even with “healthy”
stimulants like Yerba mate.

YoHimBe—Yohimbine is the active ingredient of the South African Yohimbe
plant. It is a selective blocker of alpha 2 adrenergic receptors, and inhibits breakdown
of dopamine and norepinephrine. Yohimbine’s actions include increasing the level
of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine by up to 68%, (which has been described
as the brain’s sex chemical). Norepinephrine (NE), the body’s primary endogenous
thermogenic (fat burning) hormone. Yohimbine has also been shown to increase
the availability of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Reduces fatigue, appetite
suppressant, vasodilator - increases blood flow to fat-tissue and extremities,
increases sex drive, antioxidant, decrease fat synthesis in the body by increasing fatty
acid mobilization. Would be useful to prevent weight gain, lethargy, depression
etc... during the down cycles, but might be too stimulating for use during up
cycles. *When buying looking for the % of active ingredient “Yohimbine;” if it
doesn’t mention this don’t by it, for the product probably doesn’t have any active
ingredient in it.

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