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Ear pain from an ear infection: Use a herbal ear drop, including St. John’s wort,
garlic, calendula, and mullein flower.

HiGH BlooD PressUre

Drink the full water requirement (2 times body weight (lbs) in ounces per day) and
take a few hypertension herbs like Ashwagandha, Basil, Black cohosh, Calamus,
Cayenne, Celery seeds, Garlic, Ginger, Gotu kola, Hawthorne berry, Kelp, Maitake
Mushroom, Mistletoe, Neem, PassionFlower, Papaya enzymes, Skullcap and
Valerian. L-Theanine in green tea is also used for regulating blood pressure and
may reduce glutamate induced excitotoxic damage in the brain. For high blood
pressure consider taking the anticortisol measures in the Exhaustion Protocol and
relaxation practices in the Kundalini Skills List. Regular exercise will lower blood
pressure, resting heart rate and increase lung capacity. Magnesium citrate.

anXietY anD HYPertension

Alfalfa leaf, Ashwagandha, Catnip, Cardamom seeds, Chamomile flowers,
Cinnamon, Dong quai, Ginger root, Gotu Kola, Hawthorn, Hop flowers, Ginkgo
leaf, Licorice Root, Magnolia bark, Meadowsweet, Nettle leaf, Olive leaf, Passion
flower, Raspberry leaf, Skullcap, Tulsi-holy basil, Valerian leaf, Violet leaves, Wild
Oat leaf, White Willow. You put these into capsules or make a tea formula that
you can take throughout the day to calm the nervous system, open the blood
vessels and reduce hypertension. Use any or all of the following to make up a tea...
you can brew it at home and take to work in a thermos...


Wheatgrass juice gives the most immediate pick-me-up. Spirulina (bluegreen
algae) gives substantial energy and is a complete food. Kelp provides the iodine to
fire up the thyroid and metabolism. Green tea or yerba mate is good for energy
also and it is not over stimulating like coffee.
Nori rolls are perhaps the most energizing high enzyme food there is: to make
a hummus grind up slightly sprouted “hulled” Sunflower or Buckwheat seeds, add
Tahini, Garlic, miso, Tom Yum Thai paste, Lemon juice and mix this into a paste.
Then put several tablespoons of this onto a Nori sheet and cover with Tomatoes,
Avocado, Cilantro and Cucumber, then roll up.
raw soup: Blend beets, Oranges and spinach in blender till smooth, add
buckwheat groat-sprouts, parsley or cilantro, nonsweetened dried coconut and
garnish with avocado mashed with lemon juice...sprinkle with fresh ground black


Chronic inflammation and infection exhausts the adrenal glands. To build up
your adrenals to recover from fatigue take 6-8 g per day of buffered Vitamin C/
Vitamin C ‘Ester’ with plenty of water between meals. This high dosage will reduce
symptoms when withdrawing from any addictive substance whether it be food and
food allergens, drugs, coffee or nicotine. The adrenals are the site of the highest

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