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concentration of vitamin C in the body. Pantothenic acid or B 5 , vitamin B 1 and
vitamin B 6 work synergistically to nourish and strengthen the adrenals. Herbs
to rebuild the adrenals are: Suma, Ginseng, Licorice, Chaparral, Ma huang and
Ashwagandha, Nopal cactus, Fo Ti Tieng, Tibetan ginseng (Rhodiola crenulata),
Arctic root (Rhodiola rosea), Siberian maral root (Leuzea carthamoides), Cordyceps,
Magnolia officinalis.


Angelica, Avocado leaves, Basil, Black haw, Bone set, Chamomile, Chaparral,
Echinacea, Fenugreek, Feverfew, Flaxseed, Gentian, Ginger, Goldenseal, Grapeseed
extract, Green tea, Horsetail, Juniper, Larch, Licorice, Oregano, Marshmallow,
Meadowsweet, Mistletoe, Nettle, Skullcap, St John’s Wort, Tumeric. Silica gel and
Biosil. Bioflavonoids are anti-inflammatory, the richest source of bioflavonoids is
the inner skin of citrus fruits. Buckwheat greens, Elder, Hawthorn, Knotweeds,
Rosehips, Hagrose, Shepherd’s purse, Sea buckthorn, Toadflax.


Astragalus, Echinacea, Garlic, Aloe, Shitake mushroom, Sarsaparilla, Suma,
Barberry, Basil, Boneset, Chamomile, Ginger, Goldenseal, Horsetail, Licorice,
Marshmallow, Mistletoe, St John’s Wort, Ligustrum, Chaparral, Pau D Arco.
Herbs that help neutralize toxins: Echinacea, Elecampane, Garlic, Fennel, Neem,
Plantain, Silica gel, Biosil. Vitamin D, Fulvic acid.
transposons, or “jumping genes,” are sequences of DNA that can move
around to different positions within the genome of a single cell, a process called
transposition. In the process, they can cause mutations and change the amount
of DNA in the genome. Transposons are also a widely used tool for mutagenesis
of organisms and this is of particular importance when considering the biosafety
of DNA plasmids and conjugative DNA transposons of genetically modified
organisms (GMOs). Perhaps antiviral herbs such as Echinacea, St. John’s wort and
Elder flower will also afford us some protection from transposon mutation of our
DNA from genetically modified foods as well, for that which is antiviral is also
antimutagenic. Elder flower blunts the sharp protrusions on the crystalline coat
of a virus, so that it cannot puncture cell walls. A good book on setting up a good
immune system is Immunotics by Robert Rountree and Carol Colman

raDiation Protection

Aloe Vera, Ashitaba, Ashwagandha, Bladderwrack, Bromelain, Cilantro,
Chamomile, Chaparral, Echinacea, Garlic, Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Glabra extract,
Graviola, Green tea, Jojoba, Juniper Berries, Noni Fruit & Seed, Licorice root,
Lignum vitae, Marshmallow, Marigold, Milk Thistle, Mustard greens, Neem,
Nettle, Olive leaf, Parsley, Plantain, Red Clover, Spruce, Tumeric, Uva Ursi,
Wild Lettuce, Wild Yam, Yucca Root. Chlorophyll reduces tissue damage by
radiation. Potassium iodide to protect the thyroid gland against accumulation of
radioactive iodine.

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