
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut syndrome is most often caused by or
associated with candida and is part of the degenerative disease complex. Long
breathing-walks with deep abdominal breathing and meditative focus on the
brainstem throughout ones awakening should help prevent gut problems further
down the line. Cleansing the intestinal tract and improving assimilation and
elimination, is the foundations of all healing.

DeeP cleansinG anD enZYmes—Here is the crux of the issue for
regeneration—we ARE what we absorb and we cannot assimilate or eliminate if
the plumbing is clogged. The capacity to make enzymes and hydrochloric acid
diminishes with age, resulting in inferior digestion, absorption and elimination
and producing a variety of chronic disorders. In these cleansing formulas, the
mucopolysaccharide rich fibers stick the enzymes onto the sides of the GI tract in
order to dissolve and remove old mucus layer on the walls, and then there is a bulk
brushing effect allowing everything to exit. With no harsh laxative or irritating
inflammatory herbs. Two formulas, one for regular use and one for intermittent
cleansing of mucoid plaque.

  1. Formula one—for everyday use to cleanse Intestinal Plaque: Mix the following
    powders and capsulate: Glucomannan, Yucca root, Green papaya powder and
    Bromelain. Take one capsule with a large glass of water an hour prior to each

  2. Formula two—for periodic use during deep cleansing, fasting and acute illness.
    Mix Freeze dried okra, Pepsin and Aloe gel powders and take one capsule with a
    large glass of water an hour prior to each meal.

PePsin—Pepsin is a digestive protease enzyme released by the chief cells in the
stomach that work to degrade food proteins into peptides. The enzyme Pepsin
needs a strong acidic environment such as stomach acid (pH of 3) in order to
breakdown protein. Pepsin can be broken down by fruit acids, so you shouldn’t
mix fruit and proteins together, for that reason. It will not cleave at amino bonds
containing valine, alanine or glycine. Peptides may be further digested by other
proteases (in the duodenum) and eventually absorbed by the body. Pepsin is stored
as pepsinogen and is only released when needed; it does not digest the body’s
own proteins in the stomach’s lining. (NB: Aloe gel inhibits the activity of pepsin
until in the presence of protein, apparently this is helpful to avoid ulcers.) Super
Enzyme from
Okra powder can be purchased from Asian or Indian markets. There is freeze
dried okra powder on the market if you can find it. Use this formula in combo
with plenty of water drinking and the following intestinal broom formula...

niGHttime cleanser—Bentonite, Zeolite and/or Montmorillite clay
powder, along with Psyllium husk powder, plus food grade Diatomaceous earth,
Magnesium citrate and Apple pectin powder (about equal parts of each)—mix
together and take one heap teaspoon in juice, per evening. Or put into 000 capsules
and take 3 with a pint of water 2 hours after your last meal. The clays will ionically

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