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  • Eat daily raw salads, especially cabbage/coleslaw...chew well. Buckwheat
    greens are a sweet gentle easily digestible green to include in salads.

  • Buckwheat is the grain par excellence for irritated GI, is soothing and
    alkalinizing. Soak hulled buckwheat 4 hours and sprout it in the fridge in a
    colander over a bowl covered with plastic. Ground up these sprouted seeds
    can be made into humus. Buckwheat sprouts can be used in salads, as a raw-
    substitute for rice and pilaf, and as a breakfast cereal over chopped fruit and
    soaked nuts with Kefir or yogurt. Kefir can also be made out of raw seed or
    nut milks.

  • To aid digestion and help prevent wear and tear on the digestive tract you
    can put Papain (papaya) and/or Bromelain (pineapple) enzyme powder in
    a saltshaker and sprinkle this on your meals. These powders can be bought
    inexpensively by the pound from

antacids: Apple, Caraway, Catnip, Cloves, Parsley, Peppermint, Lemon balm,
yucca root.

During kundalini the hyperactivated nervous system might produce a period
of immune suppression during the peak, especially if the individual is under great
stress. I theorize that a possible increased load of pathogens and the production
of the collagen splitting enzyme hyaluronidase by candida and bacteria could
be instrumental in the catabolic action of kundalini in the breaking down and
recycling of body tissues. The Candida yeast is implicated in all degenerative
diseases, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and even multiple
sclerosis. The origins of the degenerative condition that allows pathogen and
diseases to flourish is increased exposure to toxicity and radiation, coupled with
the demineralization of the soils. (See Remineralization section).
To fight candida you need a multiple pronged attack that incorporates an
anticandida diet and various methods of alkalinizing, increasing electrical potential
with colloidal minerals (electrolytes) and oxygenation of the body and providing
super-antioxidant protection with fulvic acid, antioxidants and the pigment rich
phytochemicals from plants. This essentially amounts to wholesale detoxification
and elimination of the environment that harbors pathogens.
Pau D’Arco, Cat’s Claw, Oregano, Gentian, Barberry, chamomile, Olive
leaf, Black walnut, Suma, Chaparral, Graviola, Siberian ginseng, Aloe, Garlic.
Cardamom, Ginger, Fennel seeds and Fenugreek seeds. China Bark, Shield Fern,
Black Walnut Hulls, Quassia Bark, Nettle, Pumpkin Seed, Chinese Wolfbane,
Petroselinum Cripsum, Fedegoso, Wormwood, Cayenne, Cloves, Rhubarb Root,
Black Sesame Seed, Plum Seed Powder, African Bird Peppers, Reishi, Burdock
Root, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Quercetin, Bioflavonoids. Olive Leaf, Pinebark and
Grapeseed extracts. Raw Propolis. Mucopolysaccharides in Echinacea have been
found to strongly stimulate T-lymphocyte activity, macrophage and T-killer cell
activity and host cell production of interferon.

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