
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Vitamin-c—In high doses vitamin C is antifungal 6-8gms magnesium
ascorbate, and calcium ascorbate. Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate is a water
soluble, white powder that is transformed into Vitamin C by enzymes in the skin.
The Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate form of Vitamin C doesn’t oxidize upon
exposure to air. Vitamin C is needed for collagen synthesis, for it is required to
hydroxylate the amino acid proline, one of the main proteins in collagen. Scurvy is
a syndrome of vitamin C deficiency and is related to defective collagen synthesis.
Strong collagen helps prevent systemic invasion of pathogens.

coenZYme Q10—Maximizing oxygen in the body with coenzyme Q10, 100
mg once a day

niacin—B3 in the form of niacinamide (non-flushing) has strong antifungal
properties and when used in high doses is relatively toxic to yeast. Niacin vitamin
B3, 500 to 1,000 mcg once a day. Vitamin B6, Biotin 200–600 mg in a B complex.
Jarrow Formula has a B complex called B-Right with the more bioavailable B12 in
it. Take two or three capsules a day to reduce pain and fogginess.

enZYmes—Pancreatic digestive enzymes which include amylase, lipase, and
protease among others are active in controlling fungal growth in the gastrointestinal
tract. Digestive enzymes—Use papain/bromelain digestive enzymes or raw food
with every meal.

claY—Take at least one teaspoon per day of Bentonite, calcium montmorillite,
zeolite or Food grade Diatomaceous Earth in a glass of water. Diatomaceous earth
and zeolite powder absorbs mercury and other heavy metals, helps remove toxins,
and works to adjust pH in the body to a more alkaline state.

cleansinG comBo—make a formula mix of equal parts of psyllium powder,
apple pectin, food grade diatomaceous earth, zeolite, “calcium montmorillite or
pascalite,” magnesium citrate and put into capsules...take three last thing before
bed with a large glass of water....or mix one heaped teaspoon into a glass of water.
If capsulating, you can add grapefruit pectin as well.

alKaline pH—Candida albicans optimum growth pH is a 4, but it can grow
between pH 3 – 7. Alkalinize and buffer acids with the Baking-soda cure...use 1
cup of Baking Soda and 1 cup of Epsom Salts in your bath, or half that for foot
baths. For each pH point increase (e.g., 6.1-6.2), the oxygen level is increased ten
times, thus increasing the metabolism and enhancing the body’s ability to burn

orGanic aPPle ciDer VineGar—acts as an antifungal, alkalinizer and to
neutralize the toxics from the yeast die-off. It’s suggested that it has such curative
abilities because it causes one’s pH levels to become more alkaline. Apple Cider
Vinegar has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties, primarily due to
the malic acid and acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar acts as a buffer in the body and
can reduce the toxicity of yeast by products and die-off by converting the toxins
into an acetate compound, which is less toxic. In the morning put 2 Tablespoons in

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