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water and drink through a straw to save your tooth enamel. Use for detoxification
and fasting periods. Rawfoodists will probably find apple cider vinegar too harsh
on the body and may prefer raw apple juice with a dash of lemon juice instead.

BarK teas—Because the barks of trees contain antifungal agents to protect the
tree from attack, barks are useful anti-candida remedies. Slow simmered tea from
barks are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-septic, anti-
cough, anti-asthmatic, expectorant, cardiotonic, aphrodisiac, hypotensive, laxative,
stomachic (beneficial to digestion), lymphatic and Spleen tonic. Barks contain
natural fungicides to protect the plants from infection. You can make your own
bark tea infusion or capsules using the inner bark from a variety of local and foreign
edible plants such as Pau d’Arco, Anamu, Bellaco-caspi tree, Black walnut, Babul
bark (Acacia nilotica), Birch, Beech, Brazilian peppertree, Buckthorn, Graviola
(sour sop), Wild cherry, Peach, Pine, Slippery elm, Cinnamon sticks, Eucommia
bark (Du Zhong), Jatoba, Matico, Fedegoso, TGuaco, Mangosteen and Apple tree
bark, Piri-piri, Ubos. Bark infusions are used topically for bacterial and fungal
infections. Pau d’arco is a very common bark used as a potent anti fungal agent.
Antifungal capsules from the Amazon

PreBiotics—Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that selectively
stimulate the growth of intestinal bacteria. The most prevalent forms of prebiotics
are nutritionally classed as soluble fiber. Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) increases
beneficial bacteria in the gut including those like lactobacillus acidophilus and
species of bifidus. Cabbage is a prebiotic. Unrefined oats, wheat and barely, jicama
and chicory root (inulin).

ProBiotics—Friendly intestinal bacteria are one of the body’s first lines of
immune defense. The type of bacteria that inhabit the colon depends not only on
the kind of food digested but also on the over all health and emotional state. Our
health is dependent on the quantity and quality of the bacterial activity in both
our soil and our intestines and these microbes are fed by vital organic material
not from chemical fertilizers and inorganic vitamins and minerals. Arise and
Shine sells a product called Flora Grow which contains Bacillus subtilus...which
produces a large amount of catalase, an important enzyme for the neutralization
of harmful free radicals of hydrogen peroxide produced from inadequate fat
metabolism. After the shock phase of the initial awakening, when the digestive
system has finished purging, then probiotics will help the GI tract return faster to
normal function. I would suggest several forms of probiotic including Kefir. This
needs to be researched so that you do not take supplements such as Acidophilus
which will produce excessive amounts of lactic acid therefore producing an acid
environment in the bowel. And acid bowel will inhibit enzyme function, decrease
alkaline reserves, deplete electrolytes etc...Lactobacillus acidophilus combination
supplement, 1 to 3 capsules or 1 teaspoon. Barley or wheat grass powders or fresh
one teaspoon, 2 to 3 times a day

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