
(nextflipdebug5) #1

End Rap

In awakening spiritually we are essentially elevating ourselves to our noble
“Human” condition. A condition we naturally would have been in, had we been
born into an enlightened society! Enlightened society is made up of spiritually
awakened and empowered individuals, and within this self-reforcing feedback
loop of human decency, the “quality” of human existence is maintained and
evolves. By perfecting the means of extracting ourselves from the density of the
“old” unenlightened culture...we help to create a morphogenic field in which all
humanity can awaken.
To the extent that our systems and religions are coercive, mythic and
fundamentalist, they are brain damaging and retard social coevolution and
communication. But even atheism can be a form of conceptual dogma used in a
destructive way, through rigid adherence to repetitive beliefs and thoughts. This
repetition occurs through constantly efforting to define and identify the self in order
to feel “like somebody” and to fandangle a “worthy” self from bits and pieces of
external information. Rather than promote self development and spiritual maturity,
there are certain tendencies in religious sects which play on our wounds and sense
of unworthiness in order to fill the coffers of the church. This perpetuates the
triggering of our original wounds, and as long as we play into this game of spiritual
extortion, there is little possibility of any significant healing or growth. Caught
in spiritual materialism we remain tied to the religious organization through the
pain of our wounds and the subsequent attempt at assuagement through tilth and
service. And if Big Daddy Priest gives us a pat on the back and our bolsters our
ego, then we feel “OK” for a while. This is how ones symbolic belief structure or
Archetypal Matrix remains entrenched even into the spiritual domains, as we spin
web of our self perpetuating, self reinforcing, self fulfilling stories. Proving this,
explaining that, self justifying this—torturing ourselves and others with our mind,
emotions and sense of inadequacy.
“Discrimination is possible only in a state of complete freedom where one can
perceive all the alternatives and so can choose from them. Any identification by the
mind puts an end to the process of discrimination. Thus a mind that is committed to
beliefs, ideals and principles is not a free mind, and is, therefore not a discriminating
mind. It is a “dull” mind in the sense that it cannot see beyond the patterns it has placed
before itself.” The Negative Approach, Rohit Mehta
Fundamentally, spiritual maturity is dropping the need for “parenting” and to
become self-parented or Self-realized. That is connected to the causal aspects of our
being. The degree that a society is engaged in subrational religion is the degree that
it is distracted from the ultimate goal of spirit itself. If we lived in an enlightened
society...we would all natural abide in unity consciousness 24X7, without the
need for a special “spiritual” focus, our entire lives would naturally be enchanted.
Spirituality would simply pervade all aspects of human life. The irony being that
we do need to focus on spirituality in order to bring about an enlightened society
through the awakening of rational individuals. Only conduits of the living spirit

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