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can catalyze a conflagration of enlightenment in society at large. It is obvious
that this process of communal global enlightenment must be quite different from
religious approaches taken in the past. Through scientific understanding of Spirit,
we can learn how to liberate our genius rather than suppress and exploit it, and so
create enlightened culture.
Disenchantment and the desacralization of matter is the cause of all human
suffering and this is a mere error of perception born of naivety and denial. We
always have a choice between the sacred or the profane perspective. We always
have a minute-by-minute choice between love and fear. Whether something is
considered sacred or propane is a matter of subjective realization. To not be at war
with the Universe is good common sense. Matter, Mind and Spirit are not separate,
and so negative approaches to spirituality that condemn the body, negate the mind
and cling to the Void and Absolute Spirit, are fundamentally flawed. You cannot
embrace the All—that is become enlightened—by rejecting and desacralizing the
parts of the Whole. To fire up the spiritual alchemy and live consistently on the
higher subtle and psychic levels, we need to methodically address our density or
resistance to the light. We must engage in a multipronged approach to deepening
our lived spiritual experience...through perfecting body, mind, soul, earth and
Tacit recognition of the Source Energy “Kundalini “purifies the under-lying
self-rejection that generates life negating thoughts and habits. The degree to which
we carry this self-rejection is the degree to which we cannot feel, give or receive
love. Kundalini burns through the substrata of self-hatred, body armor and shadow
that keeps us from “Wholeness” and the ultimate connection. The alchemical
fire transmutes the black gold of our fear and shadow to create the world anew
from the inside out. With Kundalini we tap into the primordial energy source to
spontaneously generate deep inner peace and a profound feeling of connectedness
to all living things. Through pervasive ecstasy, Amrita - the elixir of life, slowly
eliminates the self-rejection that lies at the heart of our separate-self-sense and
unenlightenment. The ecstatic metamorphic transmutation is the real-ization of a
greater lived cosmic truth than can be imagined by the conventional mind. This
“spiritual pubescence” is a process of perpetual initiation toward the maturation
of wisdom and ever more gentle eyes through which to see the world. A growth in
perception, directed by a force that is not of this world, and yet is the source of all
that moves in time and space.
Perhaps we can anticipate the arrival of Peter Russell’s “Wisdom Age” that
utilizes human knowledge and foresight to build a compassionate and equitable
planetary culture that is based on sustainability, interconnectivity, regeneration
and psychic development. Heralding in the Wisdom Age requires us to face
“into” reality and courageously do what needs to be done through the vocational
and spiritual empowerment. We need great patience and magnanimity to work
joyously in community, because until the Wisdom Way can be readily seen, many
people will still cling in false security to the self-destructive mode of the disposable
consumer culture. Yet we cannot let the weight of present history hold us back,

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