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thus we have to become an impassioned visioneer and listen deeply to our inner-
call for our unique place in building the Mystic Civilization. For we are on the eve
of a collective revolution from within.
The multitude’s construction of a “quality” society requires a brave new vision
that integrates the development of the higher nervous system with practical “hands
on” educational institutions that provide tangible solutions that are “inclusive” of
diversity. With a visionary plan and compassionate and egalitarian programs, we can
empower creative individuals to be proactive in building a culture that truly feeds
human potential and cares for the earth into the far distant future. Because they
are ahead of the curve, “if you build it, they will come!” is the primary principle a
visionary must operate from, or “farsight” simply becomes daydreaming. A culture
with no eyes is blind. It is important that we take our visionary capacity seriously
and gain perfect immunity to apathy, nay saying and scorn. If we remain true to
our heartfelt vision, slowly things start changing of their own accord as the future
descends on the present. We have yet to realize our true value as a species, or the
magnitude of our powers. Inner gifts of unbelievable beauty await us.
The pariah of corporate feudalism or rank materialism is overcome by increasing
the spiritual “depth” potential of each individual. We can will the emergence of a
mystic civilization, first through not blaming the hierarchies of control and by
each becoming a living example to the type of change we desire. A regenerative
culture encourages diversity and decentralization; with the prime directive being
the spiritual realization of each individual. The myriad of problems the human
species now faces are generated by a moral crisis. A failure of rational and spiritual
adjustment to reality. These problems will be overcome through a heightened
sense of care, intention to do the right-thing and through education in regenerous
permaculture principles in all areas.
As the “inner potency” or “divine power” of the inner life becomes paramount,
values change and quality not quantity becomes the driver of commerce. This
shunting of the purchasing power toward earth-friendly values, will in itself will
curb the parasitic, predatory power-play allowing the earth to heal. Through the
triumph of the imagination and application of a global-vision we can set about
greening the deserts, replanting the forests and fulfilling our need for shelter, food,
security and energy, all while enhancing the Nature around us. To survive and
flourish we must engage a vision of a noble culture and go beyond sustainability to
apply the regenerative meme in all our thought and endeavors.
To defend our dream we must actively pursue it. In the Tao Te Ching, Lao-Tzu
tells us that we should not focus on the problems and to let situations take their
course. Rather we should find what can be expanded on and worked into success,
feeding the tree of life and allowing good to prevail. Our reality is defined by the
nature of the lens we use. Our job in the blossoming of global consciousness is to
wake up and widen our lens beyond the illusion of self-centered consciousness. We
stand on the brink of a new age of renewal, when a fresh release of spiritual energy
in the global community may unleash undreamed of possibilities...if we but drop
our fear, envision transcendent futures and realize our endless potential.

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