
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Taylor, Leslie, The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs; Square One Publishers, 2005
Tips, Jack, The Pro-Vita! Plan: Your Foundation for Optimal Nutrition : Featuring the
Wheelwright 5 + 5 Meal Plan; Apple-a-Day Press; 1992
———Your Liver Your Lifeline: Insights on Health Based on the Liver; Apple-A-Day Press,

alternatiVe enerGY anD science

Alexandersson, Olof, Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy;
Newleaf, 2002
Backster, Cleve, Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods, and
Human Cells; White Rose Millennium Press, 2003
Batholomew, Alick, Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Victor Schauberger; Floris
Books, 2003
Buhner, Stephen Harrod, The Lost Language of Plants: The Ecological Importance of Plant
Medicines for Life on Earth; Chelsea Green, 2002
———The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of
Nature; Bear & Co, 2005
Callahan, Philip S., Paramagnetism: Rediscovering Nature’s Secret Force of Growth; Acres

U.S.A., 1995
Coats, Callum, Living Energies: Exposition of Concepts Viktor Schauberger; Gateway; 2nd
edition, 2002
Devereaux, Paul, et al., Earthmind: Communicating with the Living World of Gaia; Destiny
Books, 1992
King, Moray B., Quest for Zero Point Energy Engineering Principles for Free Energy;
Adventures Unlimited Press, 2002
Lakhovsky, Georges, Secret of Life: Electricity Radiation & Your Body: Legion for the Survival
of Freedom; 1988 (Radionics)
McTaggart, Lynn, The Field Updated Ed: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe;
Harper, 2008
Oschman, James, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis; Churchill Livingstone, 2000
Pond, Dale, Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely’s Secrets: Understanding and Using
the Science of Sympathetic; Message Co, 1995 —On sympathetic Resonance.
Schauberger, Viktor, Energy Evolution (The Eco-Technology Series); Gateway, 2001
Schauberger, Viktor, The Fertile Earth: Nature’s Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and
Forestry (The Eco-Technology Series, Volume 3; Gateway, 2001
Stone, Robert B., The Secret Life of Your Cells; Whitford Press, 1994. (On Backster’s primary
perception research.)
Tesla, Nicola, My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla; bnpublishing, 2007

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