
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Lysosomes-Becoming Unglued

Lysosomes, sometimes called “suicide bags,” are acid-containing vesicles that
enable cells to digest unwanted material. These organelles digest the macromolecules
from phagocytosis (ingestion). They form the cell’s recycling process, where old
components such as worn out mitochondria are destroyed and replaced by new
ones, and receptor proteins are recycled. Other functions include digesting foreign
bacteria that invade a cell and helping repair damage to the plasma membrane by
serving as membrane patches to heal the wound in the cell membrane. Protein
processing in the lysosomal system is modulated heat-shock proteins (HSP). The
nervous system with its long-lived neurons, is vitally dependent on an effective
lysosomal waste disposal system. For unlike other cell types, the neurons cannot
divide to replace cells that have died through the accumulation of indigestible
material. So lysosomes are responsible for the breakdown of damaged cells and are
particularly prominent in nerve cells, as an efficient way of dealing with abnormal
proteins and recycling proteins.
Lysosomes contain about 40 different types of hydrolytic enzymes, which
are optimally active at low pH. The membrane surrounding a lysosome prevents
these digestive enzymes inside from destroying the cell. The products of metabolic
breakdown are acidic and this acid breaks the membranes of lysosomes spilling
hydrolytic enzymes into the area to digest the damaged cytoplasm. The release of
hydrolytic enzymes from lysosomes maybe a primary cause of neuronal damage.
Aged neurons have more difficulty processing proteins and reduced efficiency
in the lysosome system maybe a factor in ageing and many diseases including
Alzheimers. Lysosomal activity is responsible for the accelerated rate of muscle
protein breakdown during and after exercise.
Lysosomes also are also responsible for cell-self-digestion during autophagic
cell death, a form of programmed self-destruction, or autolysis. As well as the clean
cellular recycling that occurs through apoptosis, there might be the occasional
catastrophic autolysis occurring during metamorphosis. As I mentioned before,
very infrequently there is sweating of blood during peak kundalini in some saints
such as Jesus, St. Lutgard and Blessed Christina. Besides the release of collagen
dissolving enzymes, this unusual bleeding could be brought about when the body’s
capacity for programmed cell death is overwhelmed and a more necrotic form of
cell death takes over. Due perhaps to a simultaneous activation of the HPA axis
from an acute shock, during a normal Die-off immune activation.
The perfect such example was when Jesus bled through his pores in the Garden
of Gethsemani, before being carted off for crucifixion. Under these psychosocial
circumstances he would have been peaking in metamorphosis and in supreme
autonomic shock. Bleeding from the pores could be explained by acute stress
producing free radical oxidation damage to the lysosomal sacs in his cells. This
punctured the lysosomal membranes releasing enzymes into the cell. Whereupon
they proceed to digest through that cell, and neighboring cells producing more free
radicals as they go. This combined with high blood pressure, and other normal
attributes of high stress such as increased heart rate and sweating, it is easy to see

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