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to speak in the moment with greater truth—finding our true voice. Any kind of
physical exertion will also help. Try a ginger root tea with honey in it, for ginger
often causes throat contractions, so the forced stimulation might help you to move
through the phase faster. I needn’t say that toning, singing mantra, growling and
any sound techniques are essential to releasing the throat. The Primal Release Pose
is very effective for releasing painful energy blocks in the diaphragm and throat.
As the Solar Heart first starts its circuitry connections you can get pain in
the thyroid throat area for several years...breathing is the key to handling and
facilitating this. Use CMR on the area placing one hand on the right side of the
Heart and the other on the throat. Send consciousness into the area through the
brainstem and mind’s eye, with the breath slightly throaty while focusing on “Joy”
at the nostrils. Doing this will facilitate growth of the Solar Heart even if you do
not have the throat pain. Work on the solar plexus a little as well while doing
this throat work as you need to substantiate any healing or growth in other areas
through the enteric brain.
continuous Breathing—A type of regenerating breath that is good for energy
integration during panic attacks, ecstasy and heart expansions is Fish Breathing.
The mouth is completely relaxed and open like a fish; you breathe gently at medium
pace in and out of the mouth without a pause between in and out breath. This is
especially effective while walking. This continuous, non-pause breathing can be
done through the nose also when needing more focus and brain power during peak
kundalini activity. For maximum effectiveness make the in-breath nasally and the
out-breath throaty.

Books with exercises and practices include Allan Saltzman’s two wonderful books
The Healing Way and The Belly and Its Power.

Mantak Chia’s Chi nei Tsang: Internal Organs Chi Massage.

Breathwalk: Breathing Your Way to a Revitalized Body, Mind and Spirit , Gurucharan
Singh Khalsa

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