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A Tolerance for Bliss

The hardest thing to actually handle is the “pleasure” of
our own emergence.

The ecstasy of Kundalini occurs at the cellular level as well as the extreme
pleasure of love in the heart region. Various regions of the body such as the left-
brain, belly, the left side of the body, pelvis and the sex organs can also undergo
periods of radical bliss satiation lasting for days to a lifetime. There is the feeling of
saturation of the tissues with ambrosial honey through the veins. It is like constant
lovemaking with God. During heavy bliss periods the brain is lit up with the light
of kundalini and you can see the biophotons lighting up the irises of the eyes
and illuminating the skin. During the parasympathetic stage of a heart expansion
the blood vessels are so opened that blood pressure is lowered, the arms loose
strength, movement is slower and you feel pulled into the ground. Some days the
ecstasy can be so extreme that all you can do is lie around reading, and get around
very slowly.
The Greek meaning of ecstasy is to stand outside oneself. To stand outside
oneself and thus turn subject into object is Samadhi. Ecstasy means ‘to stand
outside the ordinary self ’ through unification with the numinous or God, via the
direct experience of Divinity. The experience of divine union can not be translated
into words, but it is the basis of all religion and spirituality the world over. We
can in describing this ineffable event only communicate in symbol, word and
metaphor...and thus we create our religions and myths. People have been trying
to express the ecstasy of Divine Union ever since they first encountered it. Here is
some words that attempt to describe ecstasy: Grace, beatitude, blessed, delirium,
ebullience, elation, enchantment, euphoria, exaltation of the cells, full-gladness,
glad-fullness, complete, gone, happiness, heaven, inspiration, intoxication,
joy, paradise, rapture, ravishment, rhapsody, trance, transport, twilight zone,
scintillating transcendence.
It is ironic that in the beginning of our adaptation to ecstasy we can end up
feeling “poor little me” and isolated. So one ends up asking, “Well just how IS one
supposed to deal effectively with ecstasy, instead of suffering from the awesome
power of so much pleasure?” Even though all spiritual practice and religious
motivation is a step in the ecstatic direction, nowhere are we told exactly how to
tolerate the “prize” when we get it. I realized there is only really a problem if I try
to stay as small as my normal egoic self. You see, that much energy and Presence
trying to fit into the tiny vessel of my defended-wounded self is what causes the
angst of ecstasy. The small self tries to hang on for dear life as the current of bliss
is blasting it away.
As the years pass our system can handle more bliss without reduction in brain
function or loss of lucidity. The greatest spiritual challenge is engaging the bliss
with the intent to let it wake us up rather than become less conscious. The ecstasy
of the incarnation of Presence is difficult if approached with an unconscious lack
of piety or ungrateful attitude. It might be that each successive Heart expansion
period renders the ego less and less resistant to Spirit’s force simply through

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