
(nextflipdebug5) #1

progressive loss of the habit of unconsciousness. The intensity of the pleasure
literally commands surrender, and it is very apparent that conscious-will must
be “actively” engaged throughout the Heart expansion period to accept both the
pleasure sensation of ecstasy and the presence of Presence in the bodymind as
well. During such periods of rapid incarnation we cannot simply passively open to
Spirit and be filled by it, but we must be “actively” bailing out in order to make
room within us. Plus we must apply conscious-will to “WELCOMING” Spirit’s
emergence, that is to end the internal violence and have a loving appreciation for
Spirit—our own included, seeing the world and our self with soft, loving eyes.
Accepting ecstasy becomes therefore an agentic act of devotion and gratitude; in
fact devotion might simply BE the active allowing of ecstasy.
It is when we meet Spirit with hesitation, agenda, resistance, divisiveness,
rebellion, lust, usury or any other ulterior motive that the tension of extreme
pleasure becomes intolerable. Just as when we greet another person with these
kinds of egoic attitudes. To avoid this we must maintain the correct stance (koroko
gamae) actively voluntarily surrender to the pleasure of
embrace it and not back away from it or attempt to use it for lower purposes. If we
are passive toward the enormous overwhelming influx of Love and Light during
ecstasy then we will feel self pity even in extreme rapture...until we take up an
active Will in order to receive this unbridled pleasure. Self-pity is not bad, it is just
the weaker side of compassion; it is the first sensing of the harm or deprivation
prior to taking up ones Will to doing something about it. If however you simply
stay in self-pity as a general state then you are stagnating the natural growth process
and are living in bad faith.
Calling this kundalini force Dionysus is appropriate for it is like being taken
over by a blissful spirit that is not interested in reading or writing or in maintaining
a solid sense of self. It’s only interested in “Being.” One day I was just beginning to
wimp and then I remembered Dionysus. Dionysus is the ground of consciousness
prior to the conditioned mind (Apollo). On making this distinction conscious,
I realized that when Dionysus turns up one is just supposed to Be the ground of
consciousness, and to not try furiously to hold onto our conditioning (Apollo).
For the way to achieve a higher more capacious Apollo is by fully surrendering to a
deeper Dionysus! If we hold fast to the 1% as the be all and end all of consciousness,
then we forfeit the other 99% of the vast reaches of awareness that constitute the
sub and super of the ground of consciousness itself.
Other than the obvious practical methods for metabolizing extreme chemistry
such as breathing, circulating energy, grounding, taking baths, drinking plenty
of water and such, there is a need to widen the size of the vessel by circulating
the energy to others. If we try to keep the ecstasy contained within the narrow
confines of our body and normal personality we run into great difficulty. As soon
as we make an effort to widen the circumference of self then we have more room
in which the energy can flow and the pressure and isolation of extreme states
of ecstasy are relieved. Anything is endurable if we widen the vessel enough.
Though I am still not brave enough to ask “Bring it ON Spirit, I can take all
you’ve got to give.”

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