
(nextflipdebug5) #1

no WaY oUt BUt tHroUGH

We cannot whine about the injustice of persecution and the non-understanding
of those who are uninitiated and have no idea what it is like to have an actively
transmuting body. We must instead return our focus on the singular privilege we
are given to experience kundalini, the expansion of consciousness and ongoing
ecstasy. We must therefore “grab the bull by the horns” and positively embrace our
chemistry, no matter how inconvenient or socially incongruous it might be. In this
way we protect our primary metamorphic chemistry from the perversities of living
in an unilluminated culture. Eventually every human will be lit - it is just a matter
of time. Thus to handle whatever we are going through we must see things from
the largest possible perspective and know that we are doing “The Work” for all
humans and all life. Swami Muktananda in Kundalini: The Secret of Life reminds
us of the “largest” picture: “The Kundalini creates the universe out of Her own being,
and it is She Herself who becomes this universe.”
If you are having state or emotion difficulty, first be grateful for the “kundalini”
and breathe into and release whatever you don’t like about your present condition.
This will raise energy and get you beyond-where-you-are-at faster. Just being in
ecstasy is not enough...we need to explore the essence of our social dynamic and
learn new ways of behavior and response with regard to others, and our place in the
world. For this we need to see through an expanded lens, which takes into account
and integrates the dynamic conditions of animal chemistry, primate sociology,
archetypes, empathy, psychology and spiritual purpose or stance, direction and
“the well-being of all life.”

“The happiness of the individual is inextricably linked to the well-being of
humanity as a whole, in part because we are social animals which find meaning
in relationships, and because cultural progress benefits everybody who lives in that
culture.” Wikipedia, The Meaning of Life

Rather than going the lower road of unconscious conformity to society in order
to feel a-part-of, what this ecstasy period showed me was that we can actually
be more gregariously intimate with Other through embracing our Presence and
extending it “out” by sharing the Juice! That is, the source of our social being
changes from the mask and shield of the automaton with its projection of
attraction and aversion, to the sharing of a prior unity and a joint participation
in the Mystery. We stop looking for “differences” and simply participate. Since
we are “vessels of spirit” we can only find ourselves and be ourselves in relation
to others for we are socially wired creatures. But at the same time we must be
differentiated and transcendent of the social realm through divine umbilical to the
universal. If we were not adequately bonded with our initial primary caregivers a
kundalini awakening gives us the opportunity to die and regrow toward a higher
form of bonding with humanity at large, through progressive loss of our defenses
to pain and deprivation. Ecstatic love undoes all that the ego tries to protect and
sustain itself with. With Heartfield expansion we can become wired for spiritual
communion and community.

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