
(nextflipdebug5) #1

I would say kundi-actives hang out between 8-10 on the bliss scale. Both the
bliss and ecstasy of kundalini are NOT a mood, but are the pervasive state of the
bodymind. Within this moods might occur such as happiness, depression, sadness,
anger, fear and all the other emotions, however they all occur within the context
of all pervasive ecstasy. Ecstasy is the normal state of a human when the light of
life is flowing through the cells. Bliss is the natural state. Thousands of years of
Western culture however prevents the full flow of light and ecstasy except in those
few who pop.
Desire to some extent is reduced once kundalini has been working on the body
for many years and a state of permanent bliss or ecstasy is reached...but desire is
not a problem unless you use it to destroy your life and which case it is
the lack of “wisdom” that is the problem not desire. The most useful thing about
moving between the grace of ecstasy and then coming down to mortal flesh again,
is that the contrast allows us to consciously work on the painbody. It is like being
plugged into the universe, having the plug pulled and then having to work to
replug oneself back in. In my experience destruction and creation happen in cycles,
but like the yin/yang symbol, each part of the hyperbolic curve of growth and
decay has a bit of the other side in it as the seed-form of the other. One example of
these cycles is that each period of ecstasy will result in a corresponding revelation in
the painbody, which must be entered into with the mind’s eye and heart in order
to stabilize and integrate the light into that area.
Thus the light seeks out and presents to conscious awareness that which is
holding back from full inclusion in the perfect communication—communion
of cells of the organism-total. We establish a condition of permanent ecstasy as
the light of Spirit increasingly transmutes the body removing all blockages and
deficiencies to its perfect flow. We learn how to conserve Spirit’s energy and order
(syntropy) through abeyance to certain thoughts and behavior. Know that we can
never know the whole of reality in the moment, but reality unfolds like a Chinese
box with the internals becoming ever more fundamental and profound, revealing
ever deeper layers of conditioning and ignorance to be carted out of the way.
It is perfectly ironic that ecstasy becomes the hardest spiritual task. It gets
far easier in time as the nervous system and biology rewires, but you have to
be determined to get more “lucid” with it, rather than merely using it like an
anaesthetizing drug to avoid your existence. This is one of the reasons why being
Muse-driven is absolutely essential to the spiritual path—in fact being Muse
driven IS the spiritual path. Without somewhere specific and substantial to put the
largeness and profundity of our emergence we are lost! As the heart-brain connection
becomes stabilized our periods of ecstasy no longer disrupt cognitive function, but
enhance it to the point where we can live in perpetual illumination, that is one
with the Muse. At this point it means we are basically an Adept...however living
up to that enormous Grace is the next challenge and doing something substantial
in the world other than mere theorizing.
(See Quantum Mind BOK-2 for more on handling ecstasy. The next book in my
kundalini series includes a Lightbody herbal formula for enabling the metabolism
of bliss without reduction in lucidity, thereby gaining spiritual “mastery.”)

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