
(nextflipdebug5) #1

In the evolutionary model kundalini is the mechanism of the ongoing maturation
and development of the nervous system. Traditionally the symptoms are equated
with detoxification, the release of accumulated nervous stress and the overcoming
friction or resistance. However I think we need a comprehensive rethinking of this
assumption that almost turns the idea of kundalini into a trial of punishment by
fire. We normally do not think of romantic love, childbirth or death as stress release,
detoxification and overcoming resistance—however these experiences do contain
components of these. There are so many factors involved in the actual outcome
of one’s kundalini experience including: genetics, cellular strength, reservoirs of
nutrients, social conditioning, exposure to spiritual practices etc...
In the pathological model it is assumed that the symptoms of kundalini maybe
mild or intense depending on how much stress has accumulated in the organism.
Stress is said to create “noise” in the system that prevents the attainment of higher
functional states. That is, noise prevents the sublime syncopation of sympathetic
resonances in the bodymind. The stress of say child abuse or war can create Post
traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD), but if it was not for this extreme perturbation
of consciousness by trauma, chances are that the individual would not experience a
kundalini awakening. Thus what is seemingly “bad” can lead to great “good.” This
is an example of the paradoxical and complex nature of spiritual evolution.
PTSD wiring can make us more prone to pop and to pop with a big bang.
But nothing gets rid of PTSD wiring, the pain body and armoring as well as
kundalini...over several years it will get right in there and completely restore the
bodymind to its aboriginal condition. That is kundalini will revamp us to a more
pristine condition beyond the neurotic mess generated by the slings and arrows of
outrageous fate. This is why kundalini breeds equanimity and transcendence...
through the literal restructuring of our reactive cellular memory. During the initial
stages of this rewiring however we wear our archetypes and Great Attractors on our
sleeve and will generally find ourselves in all kinds of situations and relationships that
push our specific buttons real well. Also since the limbic brain’s usual suppressive
mechanisms are reduced during the peak, we can find that our responses to triggers
can be more extreme and reactionary than when not kundalini active. This too
serves as a form of emotional catharsis that can last for years and which ultimately
integrates the limbic brain more thoroughly into the prefrontal rational mind.
Having the volume of our emotional life turned up and played out to the full
during the peak results, in us gaining remarkable calm and detachment after our
awakening is over.
Some may feel panic and others may feel rage as the first impulse of the creative
energy of spiritual eros. The rage you feel is the firing up of the amygdala and
limbic brain regions with the power of realization-energy (muse) which then
makes it way into the self-reflexive regions of the brain as some form of insight,
vision or illumination. To facilitate this you might want to push against walls or
trees with your arms and legs during the rage/panic stage...or do some active sport
like boxing, running etc...Long walks with deep breathing are better with panic.
In this way your body can run more easily through its cyclic chemistry, because
bottling rage or panic is very unhealthy to the system and will lead directly into

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