
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Part 111

cYcles oF aWaKeninG

cosmic inFlUences

Kundalini is the unfolding of the coil of the cosmos

Kundalini is so interrelated (nottwo) with the rest of the cosmos that trying to
convey it in words and “facts” is very difficult. One can never express the complexity
and interrelatedness of the exquisite sensible inevitable sequence of alchemical
events. The mysterious awe-inspiring thing is how the universe wakes itself up by
giving birth to the new out of the bones of the old. Ones entire being and life prior
to an awakening goes into the making and riding of the wave. The whole universe
is a kundalini machine winding us up to ever increasing sentience. With active
kundalini it is apparent that the body is a tuning fork for the entire planet (and
solar system). I can feel my kundalini responding the low pressures of hurricanes
in the Gulf of Mexico as bliss in the lungs and belly. On a subliminal level a
kundi-active will give a greater biological response to the long waves transmitted
through the earth from waves crashing on the shore during a hurricane and those
initiated from the build up of pressure before an earthquake. As the hurricanes
start forming in the Atlantic, the energy will move down into the lungs and belly,
and then in November down into the pelvis and through the jaw. I go into radical
ecstasy and kundi-heat for the 4-5 days in which a huge hurricane or cyclone is
occurring in other parts of the world such as the Caribbean or Bangladesh. I think
however that I may only register a significant charge from storms that are occurring
in the same hemisphere of the globe to me. This peak in ecstasy may be due to the
particular frequency of the subaudible sound of Schumann harmonic which must
affect everything from the atoms in the body to the resonance within the cavity of
the skull. The Schumann resonance is generated in the resonant cavity between the
earth’s surface and the ionosphere.
The same solar/lunar, climatic, ionic and atmospheric conditions that create
hurricane season also generates the blissful kundalini in the lungs and belly. This
hurricane bliss could partly be due to seismic waves caused by the hurricane.
These seismic waves created by a hurricane in the Atlantic pass through the entire
United States. Kundalini actives are supersensory and their enteric (stomach)
brain is particularly sensitive and active, thus it is easy to understand how seismic
waves coming through the ground would be registered physically, electrically and
atomically (quantum), and ionically. “Seismic surface waves, which travel through
the Earth’s crust, were detected 30 hours before the hurricane made landfall, while
body waves, which bounce down into the mantle, arrived some 18 hours later. “The
body waves had traveled down to 1100 kilometers inside the Earth,” Gerstoft says.” “Hurricane Katrina’s Waves Felt in California”
Earthquakes are also easily detected in a body that is highly lit with kundalini.
A normal person would still be receiving and perhaps behaviorally responding to
these changes, but they just do not register it consciously because their sensitivity

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