
(nextflipdebug5) #1

in Oct-Nov. Don’t worry though the more you facilitate the Die-off period, the
more profound will be the rejuvenating effects next spring. The deeper the Die-off
means bigger spring regeneration, so expect a spiritual renaissance in April-May.
(April- May 2007, I had a “very” intense period of extended spacemind, high
blood pressure, ecstasy and revelation connected with the Keystone and Quantum
mind writing at the time)
It is interesting that toward November-December, after kundalini has passed
through its annual cycle: heart—spleen—pelvis—digestive system, then there
is some obvious kundi activity in the right-brain hemisphere and a noticeable
kundi-heat in the right side of the body. Thus the geomagnetic-gravity and light
spectrum influence of winter solstice might alter the configuration of the NMDA
receptors to promote right-brain firing at this time. Thus in winter organisms
are generally more right-brain dominant than in summer. Perhaps because they
require more intuition and long range planning (future sight) to survive in winter,
while summer is time for building.
The initial cycles are apt to be of acute intensity in the peaks and valleys, with
a more lateral focus on the left side of the body as the Solar Heart establishes
itself. After several years the cycles occur without abatement but they are of lesser
(chronic) intensity, with smaller peaks and valleys and more balance between the
hemispheres of the brain and sides of the body. That is the male and female poles
within find deeper reconciliation in the lovemaking of the Soul with matter, as
the gross structures and blockages are cleared away, and the bodymind incarnates
more of its Superconducting-Soul template.
While we are lit and at our penultimate Self in the up-cycle we are essentially
pumped up as high as our organism can tolerate at the time. All the chemicals that
produce this state however create metabolites and so there is a “down cycle” that
corresponds to rest, recovery and repair. The ensuing depression and disenchantment
does have a subjective element (both individual and collective), but it is also very
much caused by the cascade of neurochemistry that has occurred. There is an
emotional component to this flip of having been in a high state of gratitude and
wonderment, then returned back to a state of normality or depression.
I have noticed on numerous occasions that kundalini just increases, amplifies,
deepens and often makes lucid whatever state or condition we are predisposed to
at the time, and this exaggeration may increase the propensity for am “obvious”
bipolar flip into its opposite. All chemistry is bipolar, we just are not usually
conscious of the cycles because we are “embedded” in the present-point of the
hyperbolic curve. Where we are on the rollercoaster depends on ones age, the
time of year, time of the month and countless other factors. But most of all it
depends on the prior chemistry and state that one goes into the peak event with.
That is it depends on what is “up” in the lived experience of the psyche-body-
soul. Because most of “us” is subterranean, there is always something that is trying
to emerge given enough energy, oxygen and attention to do so. There is endless
transconscious and preconscious material that is trying to filter into the conscious
arena – should we let down our guard.

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