
(nextflipdebug5) #1


The perturbation of consciousness and infiltration of unconscious material can
only “work” with the biochemistry and consciousness that we bring to it. Thus a
kundalini event or drug trip is a kind of Judgment Day and exploration of a “vaster
consequence of our being” than we normally have access to. Keep a spiritual diary
to document your kundalini phenomena, along with dreams so you can map out
your whole spiritual journey. If many people did this we would have lots of data
to work out the alchemy, as it occurs in a range of types. Also by doing this and
tying ones subjective experience into the monthly and annual cosmic cycles it
makes whatever stage we are at easier to handle when seen in the light of the larger
Electromagnetic influences on the earth’s magnetosphere from the 22 year
sunspot cycle has a direct ubiquitous effect on life and the weather. The next
(2011) solar max cycle may be the most intense solar maximum in fifty years.
NCAR predicts it to be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one, with the
intensity of solar activity almost equivalent to that of the Solar Max of 1958. Bigger
sunspot cycles ‘ramp up’ faster than smaller ones and lately the max has tended to
occur in two peaks. So for the coming cycle we can expect a larger peak in 2010
and then another slightly smaller peak 16 months later in 2012. Besides electrical
interference and amplified storm activity, there will also be large numbers of people
going through kundalini awakenings during the coming solar max. During such
an exaggerated cycle it will be easier to correlate solar activity with its effects on
weather, kundalini and mood. For example due to greater storm and hurricane cells
we can expect frequent recurrent ecstasy and revelation periods. You can watch the
progress of solar activity at NASA and NCAR websites and
Check out the prediction graph at the bottom of the NASA page solarscience.msfc.

tHe annUal cosmic cYcle

Kundalini and the full spectrum of human existence and experience follows the
same annual cyclic pattern as plant growth through the seasons. A general monthly
outline is as follows:

seed—JFM—head-heart, ethereal, abstract
leaves—MAM—heart-solar plexus, powering up, urgency, portent
Flower—JJA—belly-pelvis, highest heat and Heart, body physical illumination
Fruit—ASO—head pressure-heart-lungs, revelatory chemistry
soil—ND—energy to pelvis, Die-offs, descent to subconscious, opening up of
right hemisphere consciousness (perhapsdue to increased melatonin in winter)
This is a broad overview of the cosmic growth cycle which cannot reflect the
infinite variables and complexity of human existence. (Southern Hemisphere people
are obviously switched with their flower period occurring in Jan-Feb.) The 22
year sunspot cycle probably follows a similar growth cycle from seed-leaves-flower-
fruit-soil. This is the flow of the Tao of life, it is a hyperbolic curve that spirals
through time. The astronomical influences on cell development are instigated by
the solar/lunar influences on the EMF of the earth. The sunspot cycle and the

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