
(nextflipdebug5) #1

and therefore more immune to blind reactivity. We can then “digest” phenomena
in the hyper-relaxation of our inner-core and in this way we get off the wheel of
Samsara—or blind adherence to conditioned responses. Samsara literally means
“wandering-on,” (without conscious witness), while enlightenment or Moksha is
liberation from samsara. The liberating fires of kundalini in the belly, frees us
from our simian nature and culture. (Hara: The Vital Center of Man by Karlfried
Graf Dürckheim)
Kundalini follows its own course through the body that is specific to each
person, but it is definitely not a linear path “up” the body. Except during the
conjunction experiences when enormous energy pours upwards through the body
with the force of a concord. Since my awakenings I am adverse to saying that the
lower plexuses (charkas) or centers open prior to the higher. In my experience
they all open simultaneous to varying degrees. And since the linear body is all
holographically represented in the brain, and it’s activity in the brain that is
expressed at various regions of the body, it is hard to say what is top and what is
tail. Thus kundalini moving “upwards” is a misnomer—it doesn’t start out at the
base of the spine and eventually “reach the brain.” It is happening in the brain
from the start. Even the activation of the root chakra, and the tingling in the
left foot is occurring in the brain. The brain is a hologram of the body and the
body is represented holographically in the brain. The body and brain are nottwo.
Whatever is going on in the body is simultaneously represented in the brain and
vice versa.
Kundalini moves hyperbolically through the cosmic cycles of sun and moon
round and round, up and down, down and up and basically all over the chakra
map. For example in childhood sexual development, there probably has to be a
certain level of development of the prefrontal lobes before the genitals become
energetically activated. The higher in-forms the lower. So say you want to work
on opening your sex center, well you don’t do this directly, you work on the solar
plexus-(power) and heart-(love) centers. And if you want to evolve sex even further
you work on the throat-(honesty), third eye-(psychic) and crown-(integrated whole)
centers. Similarly if you want to open up the crown you need to simultaneously
work on freeing the pelvis to generate higher energy. There are the fundamentals
and the penultimate but it’s all basically just one flow of energy. Kink the hose at
any point and you interrupt the flow to all parts. Relax into the flow and you know
far more than if you try to put your experience into a neat little logical map.
We cannot divide and distinguish the difference in bodymind, subtle and
causal effects because they are part of the same thing. There are physical autonomic
body reactions such as panic states, grounding, heart expansions, heat, tingles
etc...and then there are the subjective experiences such as illumination, devotion,
insight, telepathy, precognition, visions, profound dreams, eurekas etc.. There are
lower periods say during a Die-off where cacophonous voices may occur without
higher-spiritual content (noise), and other periods where the energy is cycling at
much higher level in which the voices have something profoundly illuminating
to say. You can easily know the difference from the tangible power and Presence
contained within the inner communication.

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