
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Kundalini flows in different episodes; sometimes panic will force exercise and
breathing, sometimes bliss and grounding will force lying down. If we understand
the chemistries at play with the various autonomic (sympathetic/parasympathetic)
responses we are not confused, resistant or fearful over what is happening. With an
informed perspective we know beforehand that if we are down, we are going to go
up, and if we are up we are going to go down. Such knowledge breeds humility and
awe and guards against inflation. We know how to work-with the on/off switches
and ups and downs, to not to suppress either, but to deepen into the energy of
each, in a conscious embrace of whatever is happening now.
The Perspective of Whole-Seeing and Farsight: The key to mastery of kundalini is
that when the bliss is acute it is imperative to draw energy up the spine or otherwise
we find ourselves trying to run from it and push it away. If we wimp out and try
to resist the bliss and push down the energy rather than embrace it, then this will
lead to inevitable compulsivity, addiction and regression. An immature default
rather than mastery and meta-adaptation. The radical amplification of normal
sensory and emotional perception and of consciousness itself will inevitably draw
us into fixation with whatever part of the hyperbolic curve of experience we might
be on at the time. However there is a vantage point from which Whole-Seeing
is made possible. From the mind’s eye we can view the changing phenomena
of kundalini without being carried away by it. The Mind’s Eye is the connective
current between the brainstem and the third eye. We obtain the seat of the
Mind’s Eye by the felt-sense of pulling energy up the body and into this inner
connection in the head. This done simultaneously with deep breathing to keep our
experience of kundalini conscious rather than being seduced by its ecstatic fires
into a narcotic sleep.
I also must relate the importance of the solar plexus in keeping the balance
between the two sides of the nervous system. We can prevent morbid overextension of
both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems by conscious breathing
into the largest plexus of the body—the solar plexus. If we find ourselves in either
a high or a slump, then long walks while focusing on solar plexus breathing will
help to integrate and balance the energy. This continues to be important for years
after an awakening as an aid to integration and establishment of the spiritual will.
Without integration we may go through the entire ordeal of an awakening for no
benefit to ourselves or others and actually be worse off than we were before. The
Solar Plexus responds instantaneously to the brain. Every minute contraction and
expansion of the solar-center of Life is in obedience to the brain. The Solar Plexus
lies behind the pit of the stomach. It may be energized by practicing a “drawing
in” of the abdominal muscles. Draw the abdominal muscles “inward and upward”
several times at each exercise.
The closest parallel in normal human experience to mystic ecstasy of
kundalini activation is sex sensations. One could look at the spiral of the growth
in consciousness in terms of sex energy and its use, and see the pathological,
conservative, post conservative and enlightened uses of sex energy. The body is
a template of our conscious-proactive-love-Self-expansion VS. our unconscious-

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