
(nextflipdebug5) #1

reactive-fear-Narcissus-contraction. Looking at the body we can see where we
are at in our relationship to Self and our relationship to the world, for the body
doesn’t lie.
A kundalini awakening is fundamentally a cellular, atomic and quantum process,
and we interpret our awakening through whatever subjective worldview and story
we have got going. Whether our theosophy relies on deities, Gurus, Nature,
Emptiness or whatever, it doesn’t really matter, for our conceptual worldview is all
secondary to the chemistry of awakening itself. It is popular to class the realization
of “Emptiness” as being the highest on the spiritual totem pole and in some ways
it is...but it is the meta-adaptation to metamorphosis itself, and the realizationed
action in the world that are the measure of success in spiritual attainment. It is
Nature that gives you the energy, resources and will to handle the awesome powers
of Nature. Our current cultural memes and urban environments do not supply the
needs of Nature.
The bridge between now and the noble future is none other than the mysterious
journey of our own personal evolution. However if we do not postulate such a
perfected future, we have neither the heart nor the vision to transcend the quagmire
of complications born from a rationality that has been hijacked by the ego-centric
survival circuit. If we continue to use our rationality in such an unilluminated,
entropic and disconnected fashion, it is obvious that the geometric growth of the
nuclear-hydrocarbon civilization means doom for planet earth. Thus our science,
our morality and sense-ability must become increasingly subtle, syntropic and
deeper. And it becomes obvious that the “journey” toward a visionary civilization
requires ever greater visionary-gnostic abilities, practice and applied action. The
path is that of the subtle unraveling of the Mind of God.
The gap between here and there can only be bridged via spiritual development
that ensouls bodies and minds such that we become a new humanity. As we walk
the supernal territory the creative solutions to real problems will naturally arise.
But if we remain wholly indoctrinated and entertained by the existing culture, we
fail to walk the supernal path. Asleep we remain just a cog in the present status quo,
which is largely destructive to self and planet. We assume that the capacities of soul
by which we “receive” the Mind of God, is largely a function of the refinement and
focusing of consciousness in the prefrontal lobes. It is through a distinct initiation
of this neurosomatic hardware, that a narcissistic self-survival primate is turned
into a worldcentric visionary co-creator. We first must grow tired of life lived in the
peripheral development of our shaky self-image created by this culture. We must
become desperately lonely for our soul. In becoming conscious of how we have
denied our soul to survive in this culture, we can then come home to ourSelves and
our true function in the Whole.
Spiritual initiation beyond the threshold involves a literal death and resurrection
of the neophyte, or the descent into hell (immanence) followed by the ascension
into Heaven (transfiguration). With this initiation there is a dying off of the old
self, as the prior conditioned reality and its associated defense structures is ruptured,
revealing vast infinite reaches of consciousness beyond.

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