ArtistDrawingandInspiration 11
- Good qualitydrawingpaper
such as ChansonDrawing
paper 220gsm“C” à grain.
This paper is a fine tooth white
paper for drawingin pencil,
charcoal,chalk, ink wash and
poster colour.For this drawing
I have used an A3 sheet. - Tracingpaper or a light box.
If you are using tracingpaper
insteadof a light box you will
also need a colouredpencil. - Good qualitygraphitepencils
that will give your drawinga
smoothand finally textured
finished.You will need a hard
pencil,either an H or 2H, for
drawingup the portraitsoutline
and a range of softer pencils
including2B, 3B, 4B and 5B
for addingtone to the portrait.. - A good qualitysharpeneris also
needed;your pencilsshould
alwaysbe kept sharp with a
fine point. Alternativelyyou
could use a Stanleyor craft
knife and shave of the wood
aroundthe graphitepencil,
this will take a while longer
but the pencil will stay sharper
for a longer period of time. - An ochre watercolourpencil,
or any colour of your choice.
Try not to use a colour that is
too deep, as it will take away
attentionaway from the portrait
itself. Watercolourpaint or
dilutedacrylicor gouache
and also be used, however,
watercolourpencil will give you
more controlaroundthe portrait. - Watercolourbrushes,
brushesboth round and flat
and a slightlylarger brush - One basic coloured
pencil,any colour - Maskingtape
- Spray fixative(workable)
- A high-resolutionphotograph
printedat the size you
want the portrait.