Lo e o
er r
Angela Morrissey
Angela's vibrant compositions express emotion via the use of symbolism,
exaggeration and distortion.
’ve been painting all my life. I can
remember as a child in the 1980s
my father bringing home reams
of used computer paper which I drew
on to my heart’s content. One of the
greatest things about being a kid is that
you do things without thinking and
over-analysing. That was my approach
to art as a young person and was sadly
something I lost as I became a teenager
and right through my university days at
art school.
I am pleased tosaythoughthatat
age 32 I have recapturedmy“inner
child” approach toartandlikePablo
Picasso, I believeintheimportanceof
creating artworkwithanuninhibited
childlike quality.