Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

1-4. Flexibility of Tactics (very low/very high)
A. Between Cooperation and Conflict
Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .25 .50 .75 i.o

B. Between Words and Deeds
Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .25 .50 .75 i.o

incorporate measures of dispersion into their formulae. For example, a
leader with an index of .96 attributes a very high role to chance.

P-4- Role of Chance (very low/very high)
Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .25 .50 .75 i.o

Collectively, the VICS indices provide information about a
leader's diagnostic, choice, and shift propensities regarding the exer-
cise of power in different political contexts. Operational code analy-
sis defines politics as the exercise of power between actors, in which
the beliefs of each actor about the nature of the political universe and
the most effective strategies and tactics in this universe influence the
choices of means, tactics, and strategies and the ensuing outcomes of
interaction episodes between them.

Assessing Leaders' Beliefs: Steering and Learning Effects
The belief template for mapping the interface among beliefs, behav-
ior, and interaction is an expanded version of the Holsti typology of
belief systems in figure 9.2. Where Holsti assumed consistency
between philosophical and instrumental beliefs, the present analysis
allows for instrumental beliefs to be independent from philosophical
beliefs. Taking each set of instrumental beliefs (I) and pairing them
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