Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

dam was removed from power. At a cabinet meeting, Saddam asked
his ministers to candidly give their advice, and the minister of health
suggested that Saddam temporarily step down, to resume the presi-
dency after peace had been established. Saddam reportedly thanked
him for his candor and ordered his arrest. His wife pleaded for her
husband's return, indicating that her husband had always been loyal
to Saddam. Saddam promised her that her husband would be
returned. The next day, Saddam returned her husband's body to her
in a black canvas bag, chopped into pieces. This incident: powerfully
concentrated the attention of the other ministers, who were unani-
mous in their insistence that Saddam remain in power, for it empha-
sized that to be seen as disloyal to Saddam is not only to risk losing
one's job but could lead to forfeiting one's life. Thus Saddam is
deprived of the check of wise counsel from his leadership circle. This
combination of limited international perspective and a sycophantic
leadership circle has in the past led him to miscalculate.

Saddam's Psychological Characteristics: Malignant Narcissism
Exalted Self-Concept: Saddam Is Iraq; Iraq Is Saddam

Saddam's pursuit of power for himself and Iraq is boundless. In fact,
in his mind, the destinies of Saddam and Iraq are one and indistin-
guishable. His exalted self-concept is fused with his Baathist politi-
cal ideology. Baathist dreams will be realized when the Arab nation
is unified under one strong leader. In Saddam's mind, he is destined
for that role.

No Constraint of Conscience
In pursuit of his messianic dreams, there is no evidence that he is
constrained by conscience; his only loyalty is to Saddam Hussein.
When there is an obstacle in his revolutionary path, Saddam elimi-
nates it, whether it is a previously loyal subordinate or a previously
supportive country.

Unconstrained Aggression in Pursuit of His Goals
In pursuing his goals, Saddam uses aggression instrumentally. He
uses whatever force is necessary and will, if he deems it expedient, go
to extremes of violence, including the use of weapons of mass
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