Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

assumes that operational code beliefs are personality traits and not
cognitive states of mind (Walker 1995). Research dealing with this
problem has revealed enough variability to issue a cautionary notice
that the following profile may apply only to the time period in which
the data were gathered (Schafer 2000).
Index scores for President Saddam Hussein's general operational
code, found in table 18.1, are reported as standard deviations from
the norming group's scores for each VICS index. Their interpretation
in table 18.1 is in terms of the number of standard deviations above
and below the average VICS score for each element in the operational
code construct. The anchoring points for each VICS index in chapter


Philosophical Beliefs
P-l. Nature of the political universe
P-2. Prospects for realization of
political values
P-3. Predictability of political future
P-4. Belief in historical control
a. Self s control
b. Other's control
P-5. Role of chance
Instrumental Beliefs
1-1. Approach to goals
(Direction of strategy)
1-2. Pursuit of goals
(intensity of tactics)
1-3. Risk orientation
1-4. Timing of action
a. Flexibility of coop/conf tactics
b. Flexibility of word/deed tactics
1-5. Utility of means
a. Reward
b. Promise
c. Appeal/support
d. Oppose/resist
e. Threaten
f. Punish

Std Dev

+ 3.80


+ 2.40
+ 1.60
+ 0.00
+ 1.71


Very hostile
Very pessimistic
Extremely low
Extremely low
Extremely high
Extremely high

Definitely conflictual
Definitely conflictual
Very low

Extremely high
Very high
Somewhat high
Extremely low
Very high
Extremely high
Somewhat high
Source: Data from Foreign Broadcast Information Service.
Note: Key VICS indices are in bold. Indices are expressed as standard deviations above
and below the mean for a sample of twenty world leaders from a variety of regions and
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