Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

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KAREN GUTTIERI is a member of the Department of National Security
Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School (NFS), in Monterey, California.
Since joining NFS, Dr. Guttieri has been leading faculty develop-
ment and other curricular issues for a new master of arts degree track
and research portfolio, "Security Building in Post-Conflict Environ-
ments." From 1999 to 2001, she was a Social Sciences and Humani-
ties Research Council of Canada postdoctoral fellow at the Center for
International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford Univer-
sity. Dr. Guttieri's current research focuses upon military operations
in civilian environments. This focus includes studying the effective-
ness of civil-military operations, military organizational learning
from peace operations, and civil-military relations issues in peace
implementation. Professor Guttieri earned her Ph.D. in political sci-
ence from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in 1999.
MARGARET G. HERMANN, Cramer Professor of Global Affairs in the
Department of Political Science in the Maxwell School at Syracuse
University and director of that school's Global Affairs Institute, con-
ducts research on political leadership, foreign policy decision making,
and comparative foreign policy. Former president of the International
Society of Political Psychology and the International Studies Associa-
tion, she has written A Psychological Examination of Political Leaders
(1977); Describing Foreign Policy Behavior (1982); and Leaders, Groups,
and Coalitions: Understanding the People and Processes in Foreign Policy-
making (2001). She has been the editor of the journal Political Psychol-
ogy and is an incoming editor of International Studies Review. As author
of over one hundred articles, Hermann has applied her method of
assessing leadership style at a distance to heads of state, terrorist lead-
ers, and leaders of international institutions, as well as CEOs of non-
governmental organizations and multinational corporations.

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