Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Conceptual complexity, 247, 377,
380, 382—83; Clinton's, 314, 317;
coding for, 196; openness to infor-
mation based on, 192—95. See also
Integrative complexity
"Conceptual/Integrative Complexity
Scoring Manual" (Baker-Brown et
al.), 267
Confidence, in theory, 129
Confidence gap, 401—2
Conflict: low-intensity, 409-10;
motives in escalating, 165—66. See
also International relations
Congressional Globe, 172
Congressional Record, 172
Consensus, Clinton's use of, 316
Consistency: analysis of, 130, I33n.
8, 405; cognitive, 217, 219, 224.
See also Stability
Constraints, 182—85; responsiveness
to, 187-92, 315-16
Content analysis: at-a-distance mea-
sures for, 12—14, 21-22, 25, 36; of
integrative complexity, 248;
motive imagery in, 175—77; system
of, 215, 223-34; of traits, 32. See
also Methods
Content variables, 248
Context: Clinton's leadership in, 321;
cultural, 71; of interviews, 180;
profile in, 203—8, 211—12,
366—67; VICS scores in, 224—25
Context-contingent strategy, 405
Control, 90, 187—90,228, 315—16,
377, 381. See also Power
Cooperation, 326
Correlation, empirical, 406
Creative or colorful expressions, 147
Creativity, 151
Crisis, 255—57; behavior in, 82;
leader's score in, 209; profiling
during, 411. See also International

Criticism, sensitivity to, 378
Cross-sectional analysis, 70, 77
Cuban Missile Crisis, 166, 176, 263
Cultural context, 71

Data, verbal, 140
Dean, John, 141
Deaths, in Clinton's family, 277, 279,
Decision making, 90; control over,
189; trade-offs in, 412
Decisiveness, 148
Defenses, ego, 78
de Vries, B., 269
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 83
Diaz, A. J., 166
Differentiation, and integration, 247,
Direct references, in speech, 146
Disposition, to peace and war, 32—33,
149—50, 165—66
Distrust, 199—201, 202—3; Clinton's,
314, 319; Hussein's, 377, 378,
383, 385-86
Dobrynin, Anatoly, 176
Documents, 171-73. See also Informa-
tion; Sources
Dole, Bob, 112, 115
Domain, VICS, 224-25
Domestic issues, U.S., 323
Domination, 16
Domineering behavior, 151
Donley, R. E., on motives, 159, 161,
162, 164, 165,168
Donovan, "Wild Bill," 39
Draft controversy, Clinton's, 286, 305
Dreams, 12, 23, 74. See also Ambition
Drew, E., 120
Dulaym (Sunni tribe), 353
Dulles, John Foster, 26
Duri, Izzat Ibrahim al-, 364
Dwire, George J. "Jeff," 279
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